Chapter 80: Weak Got Strong

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We were sitting in one of the cafeteria tables in the morning when problem after problem, my life was getting more difficult by the second.

"What's wrong?" Emilio asked with worry in his eyes.

"Nothing." I smiled weakly. "Everything is all wrong and nothing I can do."

He pulled me into his arms and kept me in a hug.

"What they do to you?" He asked while he petted my head on his shoulder.

"N-nothing. It's just...." My eyes trailed to the least person I wanted to see.

"What did those damned two do?" His eyes followed my gaze to my brother and Ana walking together.

"Like always." I shrugged. "Make my life seem miserable."

"That's it!" Emilio stood up and ran after them.

Beside me Rose nudged my shoulder. Merlyn's, Kaitlynn's, Alisha's, and Rose's eyes followed after Emilio.

"Where is he going?" Merlyn asked.

"I don't know?" I started to panic.

"I think he is talking to your brother." Rose pointed it out.

Through the crowd I could see the back of Emilio's head and a very mad Steve and Ana.

"He is going to get you in trouble." Alisha spoked.

"I know!" I layed my head on the cafeteria table and hid my face.

"Are you just going to let him speak to your brother?" Merlyn asked.

"I can't do nothing right."

I could feel my heart beats slow down and my world turn cold. I had no clue what Emilio was telling my brother but from the looks of it....It wasn't going to be pretty.

"Man Emilio is going to get you in big trouble." Alisha shook her head side to side.

"Maybe not...." I wanted to think positive.

"Here he comes." Kaitlynn warned me.

Quickly I sat up straight and grabbed on the sleeves on my shirt for dear life. Either I was going to die today or later. To be honest I thought my time for dying was getting nearer and nearer.

"What happened?" I asked and pleaded with my eyes that he could answer me.

He sat down and pulled me into his arms. I wanted to cry but I remained strong. Even with all of my determination to stay strong, I will always be weak to everyone else.

You don't see me as a role model to anyone.

My eyes started to water and he held me tight in his arms like if his hug could solve all of my problems. Truth be told, His hugs always made me feel better and a little blossom starts to form that one day my problems can end. Just one day I might have justice by my side.

"Don't cry my love." He whispers into my ear. "I won't let you suffer no more."

"I just don't get it why my life keeps getting worse." I whispered with tears rolling down my face.

"At least you got me now." He kissed my forehead. "I won't let anyone hurt you. You are strong and I know you can be much stronger."

"How?" I gripped onto his hug. "How when I only keep on getting weaker?"

"Danielle because you have a beautiful heart." He whispered. "Besides I will always be here for you."

"Always?" My voice cracked.

"Always. Believe it or not, I want you to know that I love you infinity."

His words reminded me once of Joe:

"I love you as big as the sky. Forever and always."

Emilio's words though, I believed were true. He spoke with his heart and for the first time I trusted someone.

"I love you." I whispered to him.

"I love you too my Danielle." I could feel his smile over my head. "One day we will get married and I will protect you. Forget them, you got me now. You are strong Danielle and with me you will be stronger. How do you like the sound of that?"

"I love it." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I won't ever fail you." He kissed my forehead. "Your are safe with me. Just trust me."

"I trust you." My heart spoke for me. 

He was different I just know it. This time I finally made a right decision.

He was there for my weak heart and now I'm getting stronger.

The enemy will fall if it's the last thing I do. 

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