Chapter 88: Winging It

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May 6, 2016~

I was on the verge of making the biggest mistake for my life or simply being in the place destiny has chosen for me.

All I know is that nothing goes right for me.

I've thought and thought for so much that all the results I get is guilt.

Guilt for the love I once had to Emilio.

Simply I couldn't just move on and forget that once I was happy.

Even if everyone told me I was wrong.

I grasp in my hand a necklace that Emilio once gave to me. It was a guitar with slipknot written on it. He once told me it meant him a lot. For the love he had to me, he gave it to me. It all happen so quick, I actually felt bad that he had to disappear.

Now that Joe appear once again, I wasn't so sure what I wanted.

Alisha, Rose, and even Merlyn, liked Joe for me. Somehow they never liked Emilio from the start. Even myself couldn't deny that I couldn't completely get Joe from my head even when I was with Emilio.

I don't know what time I finally made my decision, all I know is that it's going to be a risk.

"So is there something you wanted to tell me about?" Joe walked with me down the hall after school.

"Err...yeah well..." I start to stutter. Somehow it was hard for me to talk directly to Joe without looking down or glancing around my surroundings. "About what you said last time...."

"Yeah?" He cock an eyebrow.

"I was thinking and well yeah."

"Yeah as in yes?" He smiled.

I nodded and kept my eyes to the ground.

"Danielle this is great." He had a huge smile on his face. "Maybe this time you can tell your parents."

"Oh heck no." I gasp. "They must never know. Not after what I've been doing lately. That are just going to make my life more impossible."

"Danielle you're seventeen. You can decide whatever you want."

" May I remind you I'm different from other people. You know how hard it's for me to even have friends? I knew this was a bad idea." I start to speed up my pace.

"I don't want this time to happen like last time." He caught up to me.

"I don't want it to but it's impossible."

"How is it impossible?" He asked.

"I've been bad lately." I sighed. "Revenge and blah blah blah."

"Revenge?" He chuckled.

"Never mind that. What I'm saying is that this time it's more complicated. I told them about the last guy and if they figure I'm with you again then they will think bad."

"Not to be rude but..." He crossed his arms.

"I can never guess what you saw in that guy." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and start to laugh slightly.

"It's a long story. A lovely story." I smirked.

"Lovely?" He smirked back.

"Very 'Lovely'." I quote with my fingers.

"Maybe this time can be different. Can you think about it?" He pleaded me with my eyes.

"I'll think some more." I ran off leaving him behind as I ran to my parent's car.

I have a feeling I was about to do not only a huge mistake but the same lovely mistake I did in the past.

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