Chapter 61: If I Fall

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Never did I feel so determined in my life to get what I wanted. I was usually too shy for everything. 





Mostly fear controlled my whole life.

Fear the truth.

Fear of death.

Fear of life itself.

But now with everyone stabbing me and hurting me, I feel stronger than ever. One thing I've learned is to never be like me. I should have defended myself from the start. Now as I see myself, it only makes me laugh at how stupid I was. Stupid for letting the wrong people in and shutting the right ones out.

Yet with all my plans to have revenge and justice, I was still a normal girl. A girl who just wanted to have normal people in her life and be normal herself. 

Something that took seventeen years of my life. 

All my life I tried to be perfect but perfection wasn't for me. I was a sinner just like everyone else. Many people only wanted to get close to me just to know the truth. A truth which many didn't know. Probably I don't have the funnest life or the riskiest, but what I did have was mine. Mine which I will never trade in the world. Even with the many evil in the world, It only just made me stronger. I used to complain to the skies why this and that happened to me. Now I know it's because of destiny. My story was written and I was slowly revealing itself. All the bad has its good...


Even secrets had to come out.

My life and past was a secret itself.

Now you will know the life I had to struggle only to make me into a woman.

12 years earlier~

"Hello there dear." The bus driver smiled at me. 

I looked nervously around me as I just stood there in the entrance of the bus. I didn't want to move my legs but I was slowly being pushed inside.

"Go ahead Danni. I'll be right here when you come back." My mother gently tried making me go by myself.

I slowly stepped in and tightly held onto the straps of my backpack. I did't want to go but I had no choice. I was only five and for the first time I was stepping inside a bus.

Without mommy to protect me.

I took my seat and the bus took off. I held on my bag for my dear life and stared out the window at cars zooming by. At the next stop, a little boy was being harshly pushed inside the bus.

Guess I wasn't the only one feeling scared.

Eventually his mother shoved him inside and the bus drove off. He stood there in the front lost in fears. He looked frantically around until the bus driver demanded him to pick a seat. He quickly got startled and took his seat next to mine. He looked at me funny and started to wipe his nose with his sleeve after all the crying he did. I wanted to switch seat but I didn't want to seem rude. I remained still in my seat and just watched him without taking my eyes off of him. He sensed me staring at him and he sat there tense. Eventually he made eye contact with me and just stared back at me. We were in full staring competition. Everyone else in the bus were towards the back and mostly friends with each others except me and the boy next to me.

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