Chapter 52: Damn Girl

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One week later~

I've been wasting time with ones that only take it away from me. I had no clue at one moment I snapped but when I snapped, I snapped. The dark side of me had finally came out and my first victim was no other than to Ana. I've been patient for long enough and this time I had no other choice than to speak the filthy truth. I can tolerate many things but someone who messes with my family...messes with me. No one and I mean absolutely no one dares to destroy my family. And when that happens, the claws unsheathe themselves.

"Hi Danielle." Ana sat beside me during lunch.

I rolled my eyes and gave out a heavy huff.

"Danielle are you okay?" She saddened.

"What does it look like?" I frowned.

"What did Joe do this time?" She crossed her arms.

"Bitch it's you." I snapped.

Her eyes grew wide. She grabbed me by the arm and insisted me to follow her. I dragged myself to her and followed her to the restroom.

"Danielle are you mad at me?" Tears started to pour out from her eyes as her mascara had started to smear on her face.

"I haven't said much and you are already sniffling mucus. Woman up and quit your crying!" I rose my voice.

"Danielle what did I do?"

"You don't know? Damn girl you are slow." I clenched my teeth.

"Danielle please I'm sorry." She cried.

"You got what you wanted why do you need to apologize?" I low rumble started to form my chest.

"Danielle you are my best friend. I don't like seeing you sad nor mad."

"Friend?" I gave a very dry laugh. "That's what I thought until you decided to stuff yourself to my brother."

"I don't know what to do?" She desperately cried.

Random girls started to come in the restroom and kept staring at us. To say I was awkward...

I grabbed her by the arm and hissed into her ear.

"Stop your crying." I growled. "You don't know the real meaning of crying."

Inside I was crying slowly to depression. Not only I was crying because of my broken heart or my mother that left me for a few months, Something very tragic happened back in my country and that was something to cry about. 

"Here I am holding back bloody tears for reasons that are way more important than what you are crying." Tears started to leak from my eyes. "And here you are crying because I happen to be yelling at you at things that you so deserve?!"

"Danielle I don't know what to do?" She wailed. "You are my best friend. My sister."

"Listen carefully." I gritted my teeth. "Just because you are a day older than me doesn't make us sisters or anything. We are nothing Ana!"

"I don't want to lose you Danielle." She sobbed. "What can I do to prove you that you mean everything to me?"

"Lose the act girl." I narrowed my eyes and kept my voice steady. "If our friendship meant anything to you then get away from my brother." 

"But I love him. I don't want to break up with him."

"Your choice Ana. You haven't met me but soon you will." I pointed a finger to her face. "Get away from my brother before you will soon regret."

"Danielle I love him I don't know what to do."

"He's younger than you for crying out loud! Quit being a freaking cougar and get away from my family. If he won't leave you then I'll do everything it takes to get you out of the way."

"Why are you so mean Danielle?" She weeped. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Okay?!" I snapped once again. "My cousin got murdered in my country, my mother is out there, my dad is sad, my heart is broken, and you proved yourself to be a freaking hypocrite! Do you think I'm okay?!"

I couldn't contain my tears no more at the memory of my cousin's death. He left a two year old daughter and now a widow,my Aunt Margaret just lost her only son, and my whole family is sad. Everything was to cry about. I had reason to unlike Ana who was making drama in the restroom. Luckily for me everyone left, leaving just me and Ana.

"I'm sorry Danielle." She whispered.

"I'm sorry too." I wiped my tears with my sleeve and glared into her eyes. "Of ever meeting you."

I gave her one last glare and slammed the door of the restroom. 

She wanted my brother? Then she was going to get through me first.

For the first time I stood up for myself. I felt proud inside and a surge of power run through my veins. Never would I thought seeing someone cry, make me so happy.

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