Chapter 40: Not What I Wanted

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"OMG OMG OMG what do I do? what do I do????" I was pacing back in forth in the hallway where I always stand by for first period. I was panicking feeling the sweat run from my forehead. I don't want to see him yet I want to.

"You're stupid Danielle! Why do you keep on being stupid?!" I was crazy talking to myself. Time was ticking and with each passing second I could feel him come closer. Where ever he was though. Behind me I could hear footsteps coming towards me.

Could it be?

I turned around only to disappoint myself. Merlyn appeared with Ana following her. Merlyn gave me a look that showed suspicion and curiosity.

"Danielle what are you doing here by yourself?" She asked.

"I err.." My eyes trailed up to the clock in the hallway. 

It was time.

"Look I'll explain everything in second period."

"Wait what? Where are you going?"

"I have to go. Don't dare follow me." I had to frown so she could understand the message.


Before she could say anything else, I marched myself up the stairs. Only once did I glance back and to my relief they didn't follow. I hurried up the stairs till I bumped into someone. I looked up and stared in shock. He came.


My eyes slowly went up to stare into his. All the courage I had with my revenge was suddenly weakening. I felt my body freeze and my jaw start to quiver. This I had not planned.

"Joe I-."

"I'm listening." He spoke softly.

"Give me a third chance." I whispered feeling shyness surround me.

His eyes trailed down to mine and slowly formed a smile.

"Please." I whispered more quietly. "I know I haven't been a great girlfriend but just give me a chance to prove myself."

"Like what will you change?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Anything just name it and I jump right to it."

"How about..." He leaned himself against the wall and crossed his arms. "How about you start by telling your parents?"

"That I won't promise." I grumbled, feeling annoyed that he was putting me to test so early.

"Very well then...How about you answer my text messages and never leave me hanging. Also how about once in a while you at least say that you love me back. I don't know why you always flinch away from me. It will be sweet that you actually cared about me.

Seriously? I mentally rolled my eyes. Who the fuck does he think he is???

"Yes." I smiled. A hypocrite one.

"I missed you Danielle." He smiled back and grabbed my hands together.

Apparently he can't tell a real smile and a hypocrite one.

"Well I got to go." I gave my back to him as the bell rang.

"Danielle wait." He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Err...yes?" My voice shook.

His eyes twinkled and he pinned me against a wall. He caged me in with his arms and gave a small smirk. I had to smile nervously, having no clue what was going on.

"Danielle I love you." He whispered into my ear huskily.

"Me...too." I stared up into his eyes.

He gently traced my cheek with his hand and I could feel him come closer to me. I wanted to run and flee but my legs remained glued to the floor. Everyone walked by without a care in the world while we two were against a wall. Well more like me. The tardy bell rang and he still had me caged in.

"Umm..we're going to be late to class." I whispered.

"Don't worry." He whispered back. "I won't let that happen."

I was waiting for him to move his arms out the way but it seemed he had no plans on doing so.

"Joe." I gritted my teeth.

"Just remember." He hugged me and walked off.

"Remember what?" I asked myself once he was out of hearing range. Great now I was lost and late to class. Curses.


To say my whole plan was to have revenge... was wrong.

I was practically running out of class to go home when he appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going gorgeous? Don't tell me you were about to leave me without saying goodbye." He chuckled.

"Heck no." I gave him a nervous smile. "Its just I don't want my parents to get angry at me."

"Always them." He smiled and pinned me against a brick wall. "Well at least we're together again."

"Err...yeah. Well I have to go."

I tried moving his arm out the way but instead I got his face near to my neck. I froze as I could feel his warm breath tickling on my neck. He lifted his head and slowly tilted his head to the side. His eyes were bright and he had this smile that I can't believe I was thinking it but it was actually pretty hot.

"Danielle I love you." He whispered.

Next thing I knew it.....his lips crashed into mine.

My first kiss....This was nothing what I wanted. Nothing to what I had planned.

He took my first kiss out from my lips. Like literally.

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