Chapter 26: #WTF (Part 2)

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September 22, 2014~

"What happened to you?" I stared at Joe tilting my head a bit so I can focus right.

"Nothing." He answered with a shrug.

"Well okay if you say so."

It bothered me that sometimes he doesn't trust me. Here he is saying nothing when reality he had a purple eye and a serious expression rather than his always happy chirpy mood. Something was absolutely wrong but I wasn't going to insist. If he didn't want to say then by dammit he doesn't has to. I shrugged back and decided to remain silent. There was this awkward silence in the air till he broke the silence.

"Can you please say something?" The look he gave me was annoyance.

"I don't feel like it."

"For once in your life please talk about something. I'm tired of always talking."

"Tired?" I faced him with a glare. "What's the whole point of me speaking when you're tired?"

"Danielle come on I ran out of things to say."


Ran out? Ran out?!


Its been ten months we've been together and he ran out of things to say? That I wasn't pleased. Sure I've spoken. Well maybe just a little. Actually not even a little. I don't remember ever having an actual conversation with him. Most of the time I nod and listen. The other half I just remain silent or just say two sentences and get tired.

"Then at least tell me what's wrong with you?" I decided to bring that topic up.

"I said nothing. Next." He gesture me to continue talking.


The bell rang and I quickly got up from the ground where I was sitting with him. I decided to run off than make him make me to speak. Without waiting for him or anything I hurriedly went to my first period class. I kind of felt like a jerk for leaving him but that's the way I am. I just run.



The whole day went rather so quickly. Instead of waiting for him after school I decided to run to my parent's car. Lately they've been angry at me for coming five minutes late to the car but I don't blame them. Today I wasn't in the mood for anything. Watched a few soap operas and went to bed.  I was deep in sleep when I saw my phone light up making my dark room go all bright. I quickly grabbed the phone and hid under the sheets with it. One name crossed the screen.


I didn't feel like answering his text but I decided to anyways.


'How are you?'


There was a long pause till he answered again.

'Please Danielle for the millionth time this week can you please do the talking?'

'Like what?'



He wants anything, I'll give him anything.


'Can I ask you something?'

'Go ahead.'

I thought carefully what to say but thing was I had nothing in my mind. I was blank like a white piece of paper. The first thing that came out of my mind was pure curiosity  actually.

'What's wrong with you? You've been acting strange.'

It took him ages to answer but he eventually answered with the same reply.

'Nothing. Next.'


Next?! Oh I'll give it to him all right...


'Then do you have childrens?' I texted him.

'What the fuck? What kind of question is that? I'm a virgin for crying out loud. What's with the stupid question?'

I didn't need to see him to know he was annoyed with my question.

'Well I don't know what to say! Every time I ask you a question you tend to change the topic or answer with nothing. How do you expect me to say anything when I feel like you'll never want to tell me anything?!' I was starting to sweat from under the bed sheets.

'Fine tell me another one and I'll answer it.' He was answering my text quite quickly.

It took me a while but I finally thought of a question to ask. Probably should have thought about it more or better yet never should have said that. Girls should never ask this question. Never. I didn't know what the answer will be but the reply was quite surprising.

'Do you like another girl?'

That indeed was a stupid question. I was so out of questions that that one question was the one and only I regret to have texted. When he finally answered there was a moment that I swear I was dead for a few heart beats.

'Yes I do.'

The next part I wished I never read but curiosity took over me and figuratively it killed me.

'I met her in driving school and well I liked her but we're just friends. Just Friends. I still like you though.'


Like? I felt my heart sink. I wasn't loved no more but instead I was liked. I've been replaced.


'Danielle?' He texted after I didn't reply.




'Danielle you still there?'




'Night then I guess you fell asleep.'






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