Chapter 93: About My Time

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My eyes slowly fluttered open to the sound of whispering and hissing. Something was going on but my eyes heavily resisted on opening. I held my breath to at least hear what the whole commotion was about.

And then....

There was the moment I've been waiting for.

"Why?!" I hear the hiss of my mother's voice.

I turned to my side and listened as much as I could. 

My room had no A/C and considering the thought of me living in Texas....lets say it's hot. So instead of sleeping in my room, I was sleeping in my mother's room. Our house only has two bedrooms. Mine and my parent's. My brother has a separate bed but slept in the same room as them. The fact that I couldn't sleep in my room, I slept in my parent's room where there was at least a fan. Until winter, I was stuck in here.

And there was I...

Laying in the front seats of the show.

"You don't understand." I hear the muffle voice of my brother's.

"How dare you say that when I'm seeing it!"

"Well it's not what you think." He was raising his voice at my mother.

"I tried believing you but I guess...." My mother sighed heavily. "But you are useless."

My lungs screamed for air as I held my breath in. I thought I was dreaming but everything was so realistic. The clock struck one in the morning and suddenly my mother had enough.

How I wish I had popcorn to watch.

"Give me that!" I hear the swoosh of snatching.

"It's not what you think it is." He kept insisting in the thought.

"Oh please." She sarcastically said. "You texting to that bitch in the middle of the night? WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO THINK HUH!?" She rose her voice, forgetting that my father was sleeping in the living room or that I was 'sleeping'."

"If you let me expl-"

"That's it! You got nothing to explain!" She interrupted him. "This is the last straw." She gritted her teeth.

Buzz Buzzzzzzzzzzz

Everything went silent at the sound of something vibrating.

The IPad.

"What. The....."

I hear a smack.

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