Chapter 82: Troubled Happiness

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I never thought the day will come.

Sometimes I swear dying is less painful than living.

I didn't want to eat, smile, talk, nor simply live.

Not just because I lost Emilio but the thought of me never finding happiness left me weak. Nobody can hear me. I'm lost in this world with only darkness as my company.





I tried being good but the only thing good I had was now gone from my side.


"Why are you sad?" Merlyn asked me as we were walking up the stairs to our first period class.

"Me sad?" I tried covering it with a smile.

"Now don't you lie to me. I know when you are sad. What happened?"

I didn't want to show my weakness like I've done in the past with Joe but my tears wanted to spill.

"Is this about Emilio?"

I just nodded and looked all around me. Everyone happy except me.

"Gurl you beautiful. Probably he wasn't the right one. Heck you can get guys easily." Merlyn assured me.

"That's just it." My shoulders sagged. "I don't want any guys."

"That was what you said when Joe dumped you."

"Well yeah but-"

"But nothing." She interrupted me. "You fell too easily for Emilio. It took you almost a year to even give a kiss to Joe. He respected you Danielle while you always tried pushing him away. Emilio on the other hand practically kissed you on the first day you two met. Maybe he wasn't for you."

"Then who is?" I begged for answers.

Months I've been praying and sometimes I'm just not heard. Sometimes I feel God himself can't hear me. I begged so much that everything goes wrong instead. Not that I'm blaming God or anything but.... I wish once in my life something good happens.

Lately I've been experiencing horror instead.

First Emilio dumped me, then a drunk man in Dallas scared the living daylights from me, I saw a car run over a dog right before my eyes, the slut of Ana always ruining everything like always, I myself almost got run over by a car, and fear like never before was controlling every inch of my body.

Little by little I was losing the things I loved.

I lost Emilio forever.

"Don't cry over him. He wasn't worth it."

"I'm trying not to." I chuckle as my eyes start to water. "It's just it hurts you know?"

"I know." Her eyes saddened. "But that is why you must be strong."

For me this was all a nightmare. Never did I expect to experience a broken heart twice. Though this broken heart wasn't like any other....this one actually loved.

"Did you actually loved Emilio?" Merlyn asked.

"Of course I did." I rose my eyebrow to why the question.

"Are you sure? You said the same thing to Joe."

"I loved Emilio for real." My voice got lower. "Joe was one thing but Emilio.....that one was for real. Just when something good happens to me, I lose it. I'm just so confused."

"Did he tell you with all his words that he dumped you?"

"No." I took a deep breath. "He tried to but I don't know if it's all over."

Memories of him tightened my heart. All the beauty had to come to its end. It was official, like it or not,

I've been dumped.

If I can't be happy...... then so will be no one.

I wiped some of my tears with my sleeve and went to class. Nothing wasn't the same no more though one thing did remained...... my revenge.

"You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy; even if you're not part of their happiness." I whispered to myself as I remember a quote from somewhere.

"Even if it means I can't be happy."

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