Chapter 37: Red Lights

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I hate school. Doesn't everybody does? Everybody is watching you like the freak you are. Sure I was used to it but there were times that even quiet people like me may or will lose patience. Though there is nothing that I can do for when that times happens guess who gets in trouble? Me.

Days these go by quick. One moment you wake up and the next you are getting ready to go to sleep. I wanted to enjoy every second I could. I had a feeling maybe this time was going to be different so my choice was to follow my heart, but sometimes your heart can be a horrible liar. I was wrong to listen. Even with the red lights flashing danger, I was still too blind to see. I ended up meeting enemies. I saw their faces and fell in the trap. I should've obeyed the red lights....




One Month Later~


"Hi. Can I sit here?" I looked up to see a girl right by my table.

"Sure?" I frowned. Not sure I trust this girl.

"What's your name?" She asked though I felt she was being a hypocrite.

"Danielle." I responded dryly. I was annoyed to why she was speaking to me.

"I'm Ana." She took her seat next to me.

I just nodded and kept doing what I was doing in the first place. I was actually happy I wasn't alone though I had this bad feeling this Ana person was only going to use me like the rest of people who ever speak to me. I kept my head low and concentrated on my work. I hate doing work so in exchanged I started to draw little donkey unicorns with my red pen. Gotta love those creatures.


"Are you drawing? You draw good." Ana tried peeking over my paper.

"Thanks." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Merlyn did tell me it was going to be hard to get you speaking." She smiled.

"Merlyn?" I felt like my identity had been revealed to a hacker.

"Yes. I always talk to her and she always mentions you. I remembered I had you in this class and I thought maybe you wanted a friend in class. You always seem to be alone."

"I'm used to it." I shrugged.

"Well you don't have to be. Want to be friends?" She asked.

"Err... I guess though I advice you to not get in my bad side because you don't know what I'm capable of."

"Don't worry." She chuckled. "I've been warned about you."

"Good then this won't be hard at all." I managed to crack a smile.

I hated to smile but I was actually happy that I made a friend. As you can see I suck at making new friends.





I was sitting next to Joe in the hallway in silence. I didn't know but he had this silence that was very odd from the usual. It felt like he was thinking about something. I felt awkward with the silence so I decided to speak. He was actually worrying me with his silence.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Hmm? Err...Yeah I'm just thinking." He relied. I frowned knowing he hasn't changed a bit.

"What are you hiding? You never told me anything what happened to you." I layed a hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing I'm okay."

"No you're not. Why don't you trust me?"


Here I was trying to speak to him again and yet again he never answers my questions. He was hiding something and I'm going to get to the bottom of this.


"Trust means everything to me." His eyes darkened.

"Then why don't you trust me?" I started to feel annoyed.

"I do it's just...Some things are better to keep in secrets."

"And you think It's better to keep secrets from me?" My voice was tight.

"Pretty much. Maybe one day I'll tell you."

"One day." I huffed. "When haven't I heard that before?"

"Sorry Danielle but....Let me ask you a question," He changed the topic. "When will you tell your parents?"

"My parents?" I felt a buzzing sound in my ear.

"Come on Danielle!" He rose his voice a bit. "When will you? It's been one month. I want your parents to know. I'm tired of you keeping me a secret from your parents."

"Man it's not easy. You don't know them as I do."

"You're just overreacting." He mumbled.

"I'm not." I glared.

"No? Danielle I don't know how to say this but...."


There was a long pause. I saw his lips move but his words went right through me. It was too good to be true. Passing through the red light and now I have this cop behind me. I gulped as I kept my tears from falling.

"I think It's better if we break up."









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