Chapter 4: Attracted

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"Hey I didn't see you yesterday. Where were you?"

I sat in the bleachers and gave him a friendly smile. I hated my smile but for some odd reason I couldn't stop smiling ever since my birthday.

"I didn't want to come to school." I shrugged like it was no big deal.

For starters it was sort of true. I didn't felt like coming to school so instead I went to the doctors. I had to lie to him. No one should know the real reason why I went to the doctors.

"Oh cool." He seemed to think about it.

"Okay everyone up! Thirty minutes to walk!" The coach yelled from across the gym.

We got up and started to walk around the gym. I thought he was going to hang out with his other friends but instead he stuck to my side. I couldn't dare speak to him. For some reason I felt nervous around him. We walked in silence till he finally spoke.

"So why do you walk so fast." He was almost sprinting to get to my side.

"I like it." I replied. "Why? Can't catch up?" I smirked.

"No I can It's just...." His shoulder brushed past mine.

"You seem to run." He chuckled. "Are you running away from someone?"

"No I just have the need to speed."

Time flew by when the thirty minutes passed. I walked to where my bag was and sat on the bleachers. A shadow loomed over me when I pulled out my book. He smiled at me and sat by me.

"Aren't you going to play with your friends?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Nah. Thought maybe I could join you. You seem lonely out here." He reached for my book and started to play with it in his hands.

"I'm used to feeling alone." I shrugged.

When really I gratefully enjoyed his company and finally felt normal for the first time.

"I still don't get these books." He handed me my book and pulled out his phone.

"What's your favorite music?" He asked.

"N-n-none. I never heard music." I stammered.

It was true. I never heard music before. All I do is read and watch soap operas. Lets say I'm a bit behind in life.

"What really?" He gave a shock expression. "Here I'll show you." He handed me a ear bud.

"What's this?" I stared at the long cord thingy in front of me.

"Put it in your ear." He laughed.

I never had anything placed in my ears. I slowly shoved the ear bud in my ear. It kept falling so I placed my hand over it.

"Damn you have tiny ears." He tucked a strand of my hair back and I could feel his finger trace over my ear. I would lie If I didn't say I actually liked it. His touch was gentle and I felt butterflies start to form.

"Watch out!" Someone yelled.

I looked up to see a football flying towards me.

"I got it!" Joe tried reaching for the ball but it was too late I got hit in the face. AGAIN.

"Danielle are you okay?!" The coach ran up to me.

I nodded and shook my head. I could feel the pain throb in my forehead and worst of all I seemed to have lost my glasses.

"Are you okay?" Joe placed a hand on my back.

"I need my glasses." I nervously searched for them. I didn't want him to see me without my glasses.

"Here I'll help."

I felt him steady my shoulder and place my glasses gently on me.

"Wow you have beautiful green eyes." He whispered.

I gave him a smile and looked away. I could feel my cheeks start to blush.

"So are you okay?" He cleared his voice.

"Yeah I'm used to it. I'm somewhat attracted to footballs and basketballs." I slightly laughed.

"You sure are." He laughed with me.

My laugh slowly slowed down turning into an awkward laugh.

Wait what did he mean?

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