Chapter 47: Roses Are Red...

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I thought maybe he forgot the whole conversation of that night on the next day but I was wrong. The next day he didn't even dare look at me in the hallways. I just had one week left of school and this is what I get. Sophomore year sure was "great".

"What happened?" Merlyn asked me during class.

"With what?" I tried acting like nothing happened at all.

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you."

"Nothing. Just..." I decided best to keep my trap shut.

"Something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes." Merlyn tilted her head to the side to catch my eyes. "Why weren't you with Joe like you always do?" She asked.

The million dollar question had to come.

"I broke up with him." I whispered.

The teacher walked by and was handing out our test.

"Why?" She whispered a bit too loudly.

"Shhh..." I hushed her. Of course I didn't want everyone in the class to know.

"Have you been crying?"

"Err...No? Do your test then we'll talk."

All through out the test we worked till we finished. I of course wasn't in the mood of testing so I didn't care if I failed or by chance even made a good grade.

"What he do?" She asked again.

"Everything." I sighed. "I couldn't take no more the pressure.

"Have you talked to him?"

"Heck no. I don't want to even see him."

"Did he cheated on you again?" She questioned.

I felt like I was doing a job interview or just confessing my sins. Sins are mistakes of course. My mistake for falling for him again. I thought he loved me enough to understand me but I was wrong. He didn't care if he was or without me.

"He insisted on seeing my parents. I decided to best finish this all. My family is first and if he didn't want to wait then that's his problem. I already made my choice and I'm not going back to him as much as I love him...he has to go."

"You love him?" She rose an eyebrow. "Or is it just gratefulness?"

Truth was I didn't know if it was love or just gratefulness. I mean he wasn't the hottest cookie out of the oven but appearances doesn't matter. I was confused to what I was feeling. Did I actually love him? Love is such a strong word just like hate, that I actually think I don't know what I actually felt for him.

"I don't know. But It doesn't matter anyways. He's gone. He wasn't meant for me."


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