Chapter 66: Barbie Can Slap

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"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" I violently open my window and start throwing junk outside.

"Hey chill I just wanted to invite you and your brother to play." The neighbor's son covered his face with his hands.

"Play?" I start to calm down.

"Yeah basketball unless..." He smirks. "You suck at shooting hoops."

"Bring it on." I run from my room to the entrance of my house. Already outside was my father and my brother.

"Alright I'll be with the neighbor if you need anything. Play nice and stay where I can see you." My father cast a glare to me and my brother.

"Yeah whatever." Steve walks off.

"Don't worry." I assure my father. "We'll be okay."

My dad smiled and walked off. I followed the neighbor's son to the front of his house with my brother. Waiting for us was another guy.

"Hey Leo, ready for the game." The guy smirked.

"Yeah we two versus them." Both guys eyed me and my brother.

My brother just smiled while I frowned at Leo and the other guy. I never got along with Leo ever since he kicked a soccer ball to my face but today I was quite surprise that he even knew I existed. Might as well have fun while it could only last a few seconds. Knowing my father he will get overprotected all of a sudden.

"Alright you freaks ready to be beaten?" Leo laughed.

"How about you losers ready to be losers." I snatched the ball from his hands and off I went with my brother.

"Hey not fair!" The other guy called out.

"Don't just stand there Arie! After them!" Leo yelled at him.

Hoops after hoops my brother and I were in the lead. I wasn't much the sporty kind but when it came to winning I was ready to beat some asses. It felt good to be winning till Leo and Arie started to catch up. I was starting to breath hard and feel cramps in my legs but just seeing the ball closely, images appeared.



That one fourth grader.

All of those that ever made fun of me or hurt me.

Getting that ball was all in my head. Desperation that I couldn't hurt those people surged in my head. My only objection left was to snatch the ball and just plain imagine.

 Imagine hurting those people with the ball.

I snatch the ball from Arie's hands and from mid-court I toss the ball to my brother which he finished it off with a slam dunk.

"Take that Leo!" I smirk at him. 

"Oh yeah?" He comes up to my face. "Last one. Who ever scores win."

"Oh you so going to regret." I laughed.

"We'll see." He gets closer to my hear and whispers,"Barbie will never beat me."

"Say what again?" I glared.

"Dolls like you are meant to be played not play. Forget about winning." He smirks.

I felt my head burn in anger and my teeth grit together. This was starting to get more tense than just a friendly game. I fist my hands together and stormed off to my brother.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready." Steve replies.

"Then lets show those two to never mess with us."

Next thing I knew it, the game was on. Leo was so close to making a shoot from mid-court when I bumped to his side making the ball stray off from its path.

"Argh!" He chased after the ball while Arie had me block in a corner.

"Steve get the ball!" I shouted.

Steve ran after the ball and snatched the ball right from Leo's hand.

"Danni catch!" Steve threw the ball to me.

I pushed Arie to the side and snatched the ball from the air.

When it came to competition, I was always ready to win the right way.

I dribbled the ball only to make a slam dunk in the hoop.

"Who's Barbie now?" I smirk at Leo.

Leo comes up to me and starts to smirk. His eyes went dark and his smirk started to grow.

"I have to admit Barbie has some skills. Maybe I should award her."

Right before my eyes he leans close to me and aims for my lips. I was just going to stand there but I let my instinct react. Right before he kissed me, I slapped him hard in the face.

"Argh!" He hisses.

"Never mess with me. Later losers." I walk off with my brother right behind me.

"Ha you just got hit by a girl." My brother laughed.

"Poor Leo." Arie laughed. "The doll proved you wrong."

"Shut up!" Leo growled.

"Next time think before you act!" I spat and stormed off to my room.

Respect they wanted? Respect they gonna get. I wasn't going to let some loser put me down. One thing I learned...never trust the neighbor's son. Those are the players. Like literally.

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