Chapter 63: Five Percent Left

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July 19, 2010~

"I hate you!" I yelled across the room and slammed the door to my bedroom.

"Not as much as I do!" My father yelled back.

I never knew why I yelled that night to my father. It all happen so quick that I had no clue what the fight was for. All I remembered was yelling at my father for something he did to me and stomped off to my room. We both said some mean things to each other and went to bed mad. That night my eyes dozed off to the ceiling and I just lay there, thinking what to do with my life. Sometimes I felt like a trapped bird who had no where to go. Sure I love my parents but sometimes I felt my whole life being controlled.  Some days I wished I could decided what to do on my own for once.


My eyes burned and my head hurt. I wanted to sleep but I was so angry. So angry that I even forgot why. I turned to my side only to hear someone running down the hallway. All the lights of the house went on and then started the nightmare. 

A nightmare that I wished I could've woken up.

I jumped off from bed and forced my door open only to bump into my mother.

"What's wrong?!" I started to panic.

Before I knew it my neighbor came running in the house to my parent's bedroom.

"I don't know!" My mother cried. "He won't answer me!"

"Who?!" I started to cry.

She ran off without answering and ran to the room. I ran after my mother only to feel my heart stop.

"What's wrong with dad!?" I screamed. 

Just when I entered my neighbor was shaking my father to wake up. His eyes were closed and he didn't show any movements that he was alive. I stood there as my father remained still in bed and my mother started to panic. My brother got beside me and said not a single word. In came my neighbor's wife and she frantically started to call 911. 

"Here tell the operator and explain her everything." The neighbor's wife handed me her phone. 

I didn't know what to say. I was freaking out. The hands started to tremble as I held the phone lost in fear.

"Hello what's is your emergency?" The operator spoke.

"I- I don't know!" I started to cry desperately. "It's my father. He won't wake up!"

"Calm down." The operator tried calming me down. "Tell me what is going on."

"He won't answer. My neighbor is trying to wake him up but he is still."

"Sweetie tell your neighbor to open your father's mouth." She instructed me.

I ran back to the room only to see my neighbor all ready ahead of me. He stuck his hand in my father's mouth and started to throw away chunks of vomit that my father had stuck in his mouth.

"He's choking!" My neighbor started to panic.

"My father is choking but he is not responding!" I informed the operator lady. "He is not responding!"

"Sweetie I believe your father has stroke. Don't worry the ambulance is on it's way."

"I don't want him to die!" I cried.

Inside the room I could hear the horrible noise of puking. It wasn't like a normal throw up though, It was more like he was screaming at the same time.

"The ambulance is coming." The operator spoke.

It all happened so quick.

Next thing I knew it all the neighbors came out to see the commotion and the common blue and red lights lit up the night. Fear struck me as I watched everything happen so quickly. I was being pushed outside by my mother as the paramedics rushed into the house.

"Mom what's wrong with him?" I started to scream.

"He'll be okay. He must." My mother whispered. 

The blue and red lights blinded me as one of my other neighbors took me and my brother away. I wanted to see but I wasn't meant to. I thought I would never see my father again.


Next day one of my parent's friend picked me and my brother up to the hospital. Worse experience ever is when the doctors tell you your father won't make it alive.

"Your father suffered stroke and only has five percent left to live. Five percent that if he does survive he might end up being through a very weak stability. Chances are he will lose his memory or be a in a vegetable stage forever." The doctor informed my mother.

My mother remained strong throughout the whole process of my dad being in coma. Twenty five days and my mother held on to faith that my father would live. Sure enough after the twenty five days, my father finally opened his eyes. After many people giving up faith that my father would live, a miracle happened.  When the doctors rushed in to tell us that my father was alive, everyone from my whole family went in to see my father. The last one to enter were my brother and me. We slowly entered the room to see my dad finally alive. His eyes trailed to us and a smile spread to his face. The first thing that we saw after one month.

 The day I saw my father smiled, I promised to never go to bed angry. You'll never know if you will even wake up the next day.

What the doctors said of him losing his memory and everything was all wrong. Miracle proved them wrong. My father was normal as ever and the day he finally saw me and my brother he waved for us to come to his side.

"I promise to never go mad with you." My father promised to me and my brother.

It took one movement for me to realize that my family meant everything for me. My family was my reason I was going to defend with teeth and claws. I didn't care if people would bully me or make me suffer, just as long no one messes with my family. Especially my parents.

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