T.A.M.L Chapter 7: Families

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*Ring... Ring... Ring*

The stupid alarm clock rang. Actually, I am always alone at our house. My sister is always with her "beloved" boyfriend's house. Most of her clothes are there, there's only few of her things here. So let's just say whenever she's going home (I mean here) we'll just call it a "visit". So in other words, I own the house. Sounds fun for some people but, not for me. I feel so alone here, sometimes scared.

I looked at the clock near my door.

*yawn* "It's 6:56 huh?"

"What the?!" I quickly rushed to my bathroom and took a bath. I didn't even wash my hair thoroughly. I put on my towel, brushed my hair and put on my uniform.

Then I ran in the kitchen, open the fridge and look for something good. I feel like my life is over. I grabbed the only thing that I can see in my fridge, the BREAD.

The late students' bestfriend for breakfast when they're late for school.

I didn't even have time to cook for my lunch, I just ran outside and rode on my skateboard. I reached the school and went in our building. I opened the door just a little bit and then peeped slowly. Woah, this is like de ja vu.

Their having the attendance check already. Damn It!

I knocked silently. They didn't heard though, then I heard the teacher calling my name, I mean Surname.

"Ms. Soulheart."

"Ms. Soulheart?" She calls again. 

"Is she absent or just late AGAIN?"

 I opened the door just a little more and I saw Zen and Kyllaku looking around the classroom. Maybe they're looking for me.

I knocked again, surely this time they heard it.

*sigh* "Come on in Ms. Soulheart. I know that's you" The teacher said while face palmed.

I opened the door with a small blush on my face and ruffling my hair.

"Sorry, teach" I said with I small smile.

"You're hopeless, when will you learn to wake up early. You're lucky you're adorable that I don't want to report you in the office. You may now take your seat anyway." and then everyone whined about favoritism.

"Thanks, teach!" I said then let out the cutest grin.

I sat on my chair and put my bag down. I saw Kyllaku and Zen laughing at me quietly. I giggled silently.

*After Morning Classes*

*Sigh* "Finally" I said while tidying my desk.

I put out my wallet and I noticed that Zen is waving at me near the classroom door.

"Elliasse-san! Let's have lunch together! I mean the three of us again." He said excitedly like he already knows that I'm going to agree.

"Sure, sounds fun!" I answered.

"Yes! Let's go then." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the cafeteria.

We bought the food and my lunch. We sat under the small tree and began eating.

While eating, It suddenly crossed my mind on where did Kyllaku got his name. I mean, it's pretty unique.

"Hey, Kyllaku" I suddenly said and he looked at me.


"Where did you get your name? I've never heard of it." I asked with sparkling eyes.

"Why do you wanna know?"

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