T.A.M.L. Chapter 5: Girls

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Remember the character Hana-senpai? Actually, she's a real person but she really doesn't have red hair and violet eyes.



I was under the big tree, which is our official hangout place.

"Man, those two sure are taking a long time on getting their lunch back in the building."

"I'm totally hungry right now, I wanted to eat my lunch but still..."

I heard someone's footsteps walking towards me.

It was a group of girls, there are 3 of them. They wear long socks, short skirts, pink headbands, they have make up on, and they're totally on fashion. So fab

"Well well well, look who's here. The academy's most famous latecomer"

"Who are you?" I asked.

*Laughs* "The little girl doesn't know us! Can you believe that Sonhia?"

The girls laughed loudly. 

"What do you guys need anyway?"

"You bastard... how dare you use that tone--"

"Hold it Weign, we mustn't make a big trouble over such an insult from a rat."  I just wanna punch her right now. Damn it Zen, Kyllaku, where are you?

"Listen here Elliasse, you better stay away from MY Kyllaku or else you'll get crushed. Ya' get that?" She said with a childish voice.

"Just stay out of my way, before you get hurt" she added.

They were about to go when

"What would you do if I don't?" Damn it! I'm so stupid! Why can't I just keep my mouth shut to these kind of situations!

"What WOULD we do? Well, do you know the famous gang that is lurking around here called Dark Wizards?"

"Yeah? What about them?" Yeah I know those guys. They're group name is totally corny. But they are kind of dangerous.

"The leader of that gang is my big brother." Oops...We're doomed.

"Just one word and my brother will beat the crap out of you and your family" I don't think they'd wanna do that.

"Why would you do that?"

"Well, obviously I love Kyllaku and I don't want him with anyone else."

"He's just mine, got it tomboy?" She added.

Oh so help me I will kill this girl right now.

"You better not hurt my friends and family Sonhia."

"Or what?" She continues to mock me.

I tried to control my anger.

"Alright, I will try"

"We have a deal then! Bye-bye man hands!" They walked away and then Kyllaku and Zen arrived.


We are going to canteen for lunch. When we heard someone calling Kyllaku.

"Kyllakyun!! Wait for me!!" A very girly voice calls out and we looked at our backs.

"What was that?" I asked

"Hmmm...Dunno" Kyllaku answered.

When we saw Sonhia running towards us, Kyllaku began to panic.

"L-let's go guys! C'mon!" Kyllaku grabbed my hand and run outside the canteen towards our hangout place.

*We arrived at the hangout place*

"What was that for Kyllaku?" I panted.

"Sonhia, the most annoying monster stalker." He answered still panting.

"Whew! Glad that was over!" Kyllaku said and then sighed. Someone appeared at Kyllaku's back and then grabbed him.

"Gotcha Kyllakyun!!"


"Come on Kyllaku! Let's go to lunch together!"

"I'm not coming with you!"

"Come on Kyllakyun I know you want to." She said forcing him and tugging on his arm. Kyllaku forces to escape away from her and fell onto me afterwards.

"Ow!" When I looked up I saw Sonhia glaring at me.

"Sorry Elliasse" He stood up and offered me his hand. I grabbed his hand and he helped me stand up.

Kyllaku walks toward Sonhia and told her:

"Sorry but I'm with Elliasse so I can't join any of your girly parties. And I have to say that I like Elliasse more than you"

"W-what are you talking about Kyllaku! Are you being controlled by this girl? Are you being blackmailed?! Tell me and I'll punish her."

"Sorry, I can't let you do that." He smiled.


"Elliasse is my friend" I was surprised at what Kyllaku said. I never thought he considers me as a friend.


"How could you make friends with that RAT! She's just a lowly transfer student and a good-for-nothing Tomboy. But me...Kyllaku, I can buy you anything you want, I mean ANYTHING! So please come with m--!"

"DIDN'T I SAID NO?!" Sonhia was shocked and so am I. I think Kyllaku is pissed off, things might get bad I should calm him down.

"Kyllaku! Don't shout at Sonhia, you're frightening her."

"SHUT UP man hands!"


"I'm not talking to you so ZIP IT!"

'I don't understand how her freaking brain works!'

"Hey I just wanted to end this hopeless conversation you know! You two might get hurt or something like that!"



I suddenly heard a sound that echoed in the silent hangout place. Did Kyllaku just slapped Sonhia? RIGHT IN THE FACE?!

Sonhia fell down, I tried to help her but she didn't accept my help. She stood up.

"Fine, I give up. I'm going home" Tears began rolling down her face and then she ran.

After a few hours Zen came and then we started our lunch together. But I'm still bugged with what happened. Wait a minute, I think I just forgot something. That was weird, Meh! Whatevs...

We all came home together.

I wonder if tomorrow will be okay, today is really tiring.


Xxx End of Chapter 5xxx

:3 That Assassin is my Lover – Alice_Lemonchii

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