A New Day

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Amu's clock stubbornly disturbed her sleep.It was becoming anonnying.Together with the clock her four chara's tried to wake her up.Amu turned away refusing to wake up until she remembered.Today is the first day of her new school! She woke up with a jolt making everyone confused.After Amu finished bathing she went to her closet.She took out her brown coloured wig and a oversized shirt.Not too oversized though.She won't be able to walk.Her pants was long and she made sure to cover every part of her body.Amu likes to pretend that she's someone else in school just for excitement.Since,its a new school no one would recognize her and she can act like a nerd.As Amu went down the steps,her mom,Midori,looked at her in shock.

"Amu,are you really going out to school like that? People will make fun of you.Why don't you go and change?" Midori said worriedly.

"It's fine mom.I really want to go out like this.Also,this is just a character I create in school.When I'm out of school I will take off the wig.And this clothes,has a way to transform into something fashionable outside school," Amu smiled and finished her breakfast.

She had to arrive there early because thats the safest way to pass as a nerd.Even though it would be weird to bump into anyonr popular or the upperclassmans.Amu left her house and started to brisk walk.She was forming her character.Amu wanted her character to be as boring as possible.For example,she would be bad at everything else other than her school subjects.She would flunk pe and music.No matter how angelic her voice actually sounds.As Amu was thinking,she didn't notice that she had already reached school.Sure enough,there wasn't anyone.She was early.The view of the school from the gate was breathtaking in the morning.The flowers was being showered with a soft ray of the sun and the building was illuminating light.It seemed like it was.Amu simply stared in awe.Her new school was great!Her ears perked up when she heard shouting.As she turned,she saw a group of people heading to the school gates.Each fangirl chanted different names.They were separated in groups.

The chanting went on like this,"Utau!Kukai!Tadase!Ikuto!"

Things were going to get messy if Amu gets caught in the crowd.She dashed off without even knowing the school layout.

"Amu...we have been here the fifth time!" The pink chara complained.

"If only you didn't dash off," the blue chara joined.

Amu just let their words fall on deaf ears.

"Hey,you lost?" a voice came out from behind her.

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