~Chapter One~

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Harry's P.O.V

"Nice try, mate. But you weren't so lucky this time, were ya? Hands behind your back," I state cockily, gripping the smaller person's hands and cuffing them together as I pushed the crook against the wall.

"Scumbags, fuck the police," the voice croaked out from the unidentified male.

"Fuck the police? At your rate, I don't think you'll be fucking anyone anytime soon. Maybe you can be someone's bitch in prison, yeah?" Katie added, appearing next to me as a sly grin forms across her lips.

With that, the backup force soon arrived. Bright blue flashing lights engulfed the surroundings, lightening up the dark area. The crook was escorted into the police car, whilst I stood there watching the guy being taken away. Another case closed. Of course, I couldn't have done it without my partner, whom coincidentally is also my childhood friend, Katie. We've been working as a team now for a good two years or so, both of us being high ranked in the force; possibly the best officers in this place if I do say so myself. I turned my attention away from the police vehicle to her, a proud smile spreading across my features.

"Well, Styles. That's another one over with. Getting a little too good at this now," The blue-eyed girl spoke, her tone being playful as faint laughter escaped from her mouth. I laughed along with her, nodding my head in agreement. This would obviously look well on our work file, being that this is most likely quite a huge case that has been cracked. However, now that this one has been solved, it would only be a matter of short time that we'll be given another case. Petty or huge, it'll still be exciting and that's what I love most about being on the force; the uncertainty, the unknown, the risks. It's all so thrilling and makes me feel like I'm living my own CSI drama each and every day.

I was thinking about how I lived the CSI drama life every day, until the chief comes up behind me and places his hand on my hand. "Chief McConaughey, how can we assist you?" I ask him, motioning to both myself and my partner.

"I need you guys to get a break, that's what!" He tells me, starting to laugh. I laugh along with him, Katie soon joining in. "Also known as, go out to lunch or something, you guys have completed your work today and it was phenomenal!" His raspy, old voice compliments us and motions to our cop car.

I nod my head, giving him a smile. He walks away and I look toward Katie, "Do you wanna go to our favorite restaurant? Also known as Nandos? My treat," I assure her and pat my pocket with my wallet in it. A small smirk plays on my lips as I walk up to her and take her hand in mine. "Come on," I say as we walk toward the car.

"Harry! You know I hate when you buy me food, you know how much I eat," Katie says, jokingly of course causing me to roll my eyes.

"I don't care, I'm buying you lunch or dinner, whatever you wanna call it. It's my treat," I explain and get in the car. She gets in the other side and stares at me, with her arms crossed.

"No, Harold." The brunette says sternly, looking at me with a warningly gaze; if only looks could kill. I shake my head once, starting up the car as I turn my attention to the road. Katie appeared to be acting as though she was moody, but I don't fall for it and play along as I remained quiet.

"Oi, don't ignore me!" She whines, whilst I ignored her while I started to drive along the roads. I tapped my slender fingers across the wheel, soon stopping at some red lights. I was still ignoring Katie, which only aggravated her.

"Excuse meeee, never ignore a lady- is this why you never get any ladies?" She remarked, a cocky smile soon lingering on her face. I open my mouth to say something, both of us knowing that her statement was far from the truth. I shrug it off, proceeding to act moody with her whilst driving. Purposely winding the girl up more and more with every second.

"Am I hearing things? Swear I just heard some annoying little high-pitched voice," I finally blurt out, breaking my silence. I stifle a laugh, quickly glancing at Katie who wasn't amused. "You know, a bit like an irritating wasp noise? Buzz, buzz." I add, finally letting out a deep chuckle. The pair of us knew that this was just banter, which is something that our friendship has consisted of for many years now. Anything from flirtatious banter, to out right name calling one another. Though sometimes, people have mistaken us as some sort of couple, which is beyond crazy. We've been friends now for so many years, neither of us don't see each other as anything more than just that. She had a fling with another officer on the force anyway; who just so happens to be my best mate. But that's it, Katie and I are nothing more than work partners and friends. I just wish everyone else could see that.

"I hate you, you know, like really hate you, dickhead." She squeals out, whilst attempting to contain her laughter although she fails.

"You don't hate me, you secretly want me. Quit lying to yourself, Katherine." I reply smugly, addressing her by her full name knowing how much she hates it.  I keep my eyes on the road, with one hand on the wheel whilst the other taps on the radio, beginning to flick through radio stations as an attempt to find a song that's worth listening to.

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. I'm highly reserved, I don't just go around giving it to anyone you know." She replies, making a halo justice above her head with her smaller hands. Angel? Ha, she wishes. We both know that.

"Ah, of course. That's why Officer Drew had you on his desk and why I saved your ass from getting kicked off the force. You still owe me for that actually, Kat." My tone was full of sarcasm, the cocky smirk not once leaving my face. I could see the tint of red forming on her cheeks, which only resulted in a laugh from me. She didn't say anything, simply shrugging my comment off with a giggle. After a not so long drive, we finally reached Nandos. Switching off the ignition, I hopped out the car and went around to the passenger side to let her out. Nandos; what a nice way to end such a long and tiring day, with even nicer company.

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