Chapter Fifty Eight: Gathering

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(Time for boring filler chapter with new characters. Ps a Twi'lek is one of the things with two head tails and a Togruta is like Ashoka from Star Wars the clonewars.)

Kylo PoV

Hux and I had split up the next day to track down the hunters. I got the job of finding the Twi'lek tracker and the  Twi'lek-Togruta sniper team. I was to offer them ten thousand credits each for this job and ask them to meet Hux and I at our apartment tomorrow.

I found the tracker cashing in on a bounty in upper Coruscant. It seemed as if they were a somewhat less thuggish debt collector and worked for those in the higher echelons of the Republic.

I followed them to their speeder which was parked about a mile from the municipal building they had come from. As they got in, a Force jumped and flipped and landed in front of the hunter.

"Whataya want?" They drawled, drawing a blaster pistol from a leather holster.

"I need help. I'm looking to assemble a team of bounty hunters to do a difficult task alongside myself and my friend. We need someone who can find anyone, and I heard you were the best, Ta'ar Maoine." I knew his name from the information given by the bartender.

"So you know who I am? Okay. What's the job, and more important, what's the pay?" The Twi'lek glared at me, one hand on his hip and the other on his blaster. It was obvious he was not going to be won over anytime soon.

"Ten thousand credits. I'll throw in a five thousand credit bonus if you agree now. We are hunting a Jedi. Luke Skywalker." This was the key part. This would see if our tracker was brave.

"Whataya want me to do? I don't fight, I normally find people and then lead everyone else to them." The Twi'lek relaxed a little bit as he talked, his lekku twitching.

"That's what you'll do for us. We need you to find Luke Skywalker so that myself and our other companions can go and end him." I hoped that this hunter would say yes.

"It's a deal. I want my pay now, however." The Twi'lek held out a gloved and gauntleted hand.

"Half now. Half later," I retorted, hoping he would stick around on the opportunity for more money.

"Fine." He accepted the 7500 credits I handed him. "What do you want me to do now?" He asked me.

I gave him my address. "Meet me and the others here at noon tomorrow. I need to go and find more people."

"I'll be there," Ta'ar replied as I walked away.

Now I needed to find a gunslinging duo made up of a Twi'lek and a Togruta. I quick perusal of the itinerary that I had been given revealed that they liked to frequent a bar in the Underworld known as the Dancing Bantha.

"Well, I guess I better get ready to dance," I said as I hailed a taxi to take me down.

The Dancing Bantha turned out to be a hybrid of a standard cantina and a brothel. There were scantily clad beings of all species and genders mulling around, offering their 'wares' to everyone. I kept an eye out for a red skinned, or Lethan, Twi'lek and also for a Togruta whose file revealed a resemblance to late Jedi Ashoka Tano, a deceased officer of the Clone Wars and Vader's former apprentice.

I found the two sitting in the bar half of the establishment sipping on drinks and watching people with mild disinterest. Two Verpine rifles sat behind them.

"Would you happen to be Forsythe Areg and Yur'ama Taegg?" I asked them.

"Who wants to know?" The Twi'lek leaned towards me. "We aren't looking for trouble." He glared menacingly at me as if to emphasize that he wanted to be left alone.

"Calm down, Yur'ama. Yes, we are who you say we are. Do you need someone shot?" The Togruta really did look like the deceased general.

"Yes. And I need both of your help. Myself and my friend are hunting down the last Jedi and we needed to amass a team. Would you be interested?"

"Does it pay?" Yur'ama interjected. "Soft hearted Forsythe here would do it for free."

Forsythe rolled his eyes as I replied. "I'll pay you both ten thousand each plus an additional five thousand each for agreeing to come right now."

"Business is slow. We have nothing for awhile," Yur'ama looked thoughtful.

"We'll do it!" Forsythe blurted out. "Who're we hunting, by the way?"

"Luke Skywalker. He is the key. For more information, meet me here, tomorrow, at noon." I handed them each my address. "Do you want to be paid half in advance?" I asked curiously after the last man.

"It's fine. We trust you." Forsythe waved me on as his partner glared.

Good day then. I'll get back to me via holocomm ."

I had managed to accumulate three hunters. Here's hoping Hux had similar luck. These hunters were part of the end plan to find Luke. They would help build the foundation for Hux and I's reforms for the First Order. With Snoke out of the way we could rule free, the best type of rule.

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