Chapter Six: Shatterpoint

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Kylo PoV

I sat in the cockpit of the ship as we headed back to Starkiller base. I could feel the fear of the trooper beside me. It was obvious that he was terrified of me.

I could also feel the simmering anger currently radiating off of Hux, even though he was in the cabin, most likely stewing and being angry about how I had "ruined everything" for him.

I did not particularly care. Hux was going to have to learn to put up with me. And if there was one thing that angered me, it was not being taken seriously and that was exactly what he had done.

He had doubted me to the extent that he had tried to lock me in the ship so he could negotiate alone. He had no faith in my ability, and if anything he found it below him to speak to me.

"GAHHHH!" I yelled, causing the trooper by me to jump. I ignored him. I needed to talk to Hux before we got back, and I needed to make it clear what our roles were. He needed to be put in his place.

I opened the door without asking and stopped short. Hux was shirtless and stretching in the small area on the floor. He had a surprisingly thin build, more lean muscle than buffed up meat. He turned around and saw me watching him and threw his coat on over his body.

"What do you want, Ren? Are you going to throw another tantrum?" He stood there, his hands on his hips. For someone shorter and smaller than me, and also less powerful, this man had a lot of nerve.

"No. We need to talk." I replied, endeavoring not to lash out just yet.

"Fine. What do you want. This had better be important, because if you're wasting my time by complaining abo-"

I did not want to head what the rest of his mini tirade would be. I slammed him up against the wall of the cabin and placed my hand upon his head, just as I had done to that mercenary hours before. I extended my senses into his mind.

"You feel threatened by me," I said quietly to him, enjoying the look of fear and rage in his eyes. "You think that Supreme Leader Snoke will not value you as much." I felt resistance. He was fighting me, so I pressed harder. "You... You-" I suddenly felt as if I had been banished from his mind. But I had gotten something already, and I had not anticipated it. I staggered back, looking at Hux's paper white face, which was now all cold fury and humiliation.

"You- don't you ever..." He was panting as he walked up to me. He grabbed me by the cowl and I shrugged him off.

"I know your secret, General. But let me make this clear, you are beneath me. I do not care for your affections or attractions whatsoever and in all honesty, I doubt that the Supreme Leader would care for them either. If you don't want me to ruin you, forget any disgusting hope you might ever have of anything with me. Because I despise you, and I do not think I could make it any clearer. And finding that you find me attractive and are attracted to me has not and will not change anything."

Hux flushed pink with rage, his hair disheveled, his eyes blazing, but he did not maintain eye contact, but instead picked up his clothing and walked into the cockpit to change.

That had shown him. He had underestimated and degraded me and he had paid the price. I had never even suspected him of what the Force had shown me, but now that I knew, I had found his shatter point.

If I ever needed to, I would use it. I would have no shame in it. I would make him rue the day he had ever laid eyes on me. General Hux was one person who would not harm my plans, but if I needed to, I would end his life, career, and his aspirations.

(I made Ky such a jerk here wow)

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