Chapter Nine: Aggression

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Hux PoV

As I had been walking about, overseeing more details and supervising construction, Ren's words had nagged at the back of my mind. It was obvious he wanted nothing to do with me. It was even more obvious that he despised my presence.

Then why did I still feel the way I did? I wished I could shake the pestering emotions, but I couldn't. I sat at my desk, writing updates and filing reports and itineraries to various of my underlings on this Base. As general, I commanded thousands of troopers, but I had a couple dozen, Captain Phasma being one of them, troopers in officer rank who brought things down from me to the troops.

I wondered when Ren and I would be sent to Tipoca City to collect the data chip. Most likely sooner than later, as the Supreme Leader wanted to find Skywalker quickly. I dreaded another trip with him and hoped to get out of it. Yet at the same time, I wanted to be there, if not at least to keep him from messing things up.

At that moment, my comlink buzzed and upon checking it, I had received summons to the Supreme Leader's chamber. A quick check of security footage revealed that Kylo had been summoned as well.

As I ran over to the large room where Ren and I most frequently convened with Snoke, I did my best to calm myself emotionally. I would not let Kylo get the best of me.

By the time I reached the chamber, Kylo was already there, speaking with the Supreme Leader. He was unmasked, cradling his mask in his arm as he spoke, face tilted upward.

"Supreme Leader," he said, his voice much less intimidating than it had been under the mask,"we should move quickly. I need to go to Tipoca City and get that data chip."

"I acknowledge that, my apprentice. But you cannot go alone." The Supreme Leader sounded somewhat bored, as if though he was reiterating a point to a slow seven year old.

I wondered if Ren had been petitioning the Supreme Leader to let him go solo on his endeavors.

Ren, seemingly noticing me only now turned and smirked at me. "You finally decided to show up." He said coolly. "We were speaking about what do-"

"Supreme Leader," I saluted the holographic image," I assume that Kylo Ren has filled you in regarding our situation and the discovery we have made?"

"Yes, he has." Snoke replied. "I want you both to go to Tipoca City alone to retrieve it. Ren says that it is inside a building, so you will have to be stealthy and retrieve it from wherever Calrissian hid it."

"Where did Lando hide the data chip?" I rounded on Kylo. It would be just like him not to actually know.

"It's in the most secure area of Tipoca City, their computer laboratory. It's the backup center where every little bit of data from the last millennium at least as been compiled. Apparently Lando has powerful friends." Ren replied. He was behaving himself, most likely due to Snoke's presence.

"Good. Then you will leave tomorrow, understood?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader." I saluted, hiding my nervousness and dread about another mission alongside Kylo. I did not know if I wanted or disdained his company more. Only time would tell in this case.

After I was clear of the chamber, I headed back to my room to pack and prepare commands for my troopers for my foreseeable absence. Before I could do that, however, I heard my name being called.

I turned around to see Kylo standing behind me. "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Just to remind you that I will not stand for you trying to detain me from this mission. Do not take me lightly, General. I think you already figured that out though." He walked off.

I ignored his aggressive attitude. It was obvious that despite our other conversations, he felt threatened by me. That was probably for the best, I reasoned. He was less likely to try to kill me. 

I hoped that this mission would be less tumultuous as antagonistic. Especially due to the fact that we would be stuck alone on a ship for several days as we traveled through light speed. Kamino was even more remote than Starkiller Base.

With any luck, it would go well, and maybe Kylo's aggressiveness would be curbed by it. One could hope, I reflected as I headed back to pack.

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