Chapter Thirty: Helpless

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Kylo PoV

All I could remember was passing out on the platform outside of the restaurant. Thankfully, my kidnappers filled in the blanks once they had dragged me into the bowels of Coruscant.

Apparently, they had been tracking me since we had landed on Coruscant. They had hacked into a database with images of all of the people in Coruscant who owned property and had found me. They had proceeded to stalk me until we reached the restaurant where Hux and I fought. They had taken advantage of us not being as wary as normal and had drugged my drink.

I had woken up in suspended animation in an energy field. The two hunters took an unreasonable amount of pleasure in inflicting pain on me, mainly by electrocution.

It seemed as if Hux had found me, but then he had run off and I was laying on the floor, too weak to get up. The hunters were running after Hux, and I took this opportunity to retrieve my clothing and put it back on.

I had to get out of here. This situation was bad. If word got out that Kylo Ren was on Coruscant, the Resistance, and other people I did not want to speak with, would flock after both I and Hux.

As I readied myself to try to stand, my head felt like it was going to burst. The drug I had been given inhibited clear thought and also caused extreme pain in the form of headaches. This had also been explained to me earlier, not that it made things any better.

The sound of blaster fire echoed through the room as Hux ran back in.

"Get down!" He yelled, sprinting over to me and dragging me behind the control panel for the energy field.

Just as he did, a small explosion shook the whole building. I felt it shake, and I shuddered.

"What happened?!" I asked, horrified.

"I set a thermal detonator on the lift, and I blew it up as soon as I reached this room. Those two hunters should be dead. We need to get home." He looked at me, and sighed. "You're alive, but I'm guessing you don't walk?"

"I can," I retorted, and tried to get to my feet, but fell.

"Oh shut up," Hux picked me up and carried me down several flights of bad stairs and into the outside world of midnight Coruscant.

"We need a ride out of here. I don't want to stay here overnight," Hux said, shifting his grip on me.

The gentle roar of a shuttle wafted through the alley, and a dingy looking shuttle cab pulled up, piloted by an elderly Duros.

"Get in. It's thirty credits to go up above." He gestured to us.

"Sure." Hux handed him the money as I laid my head back, the headache getting steadily worse.

We sat on a seat, my head leaning against his shoulder. I could not sleep, the pain was a distraction, so I talked.

"I'm sorry," I whispered,"that was stupid of me."

"You bet it was," Hux replied, ruffling my hair gently.

"Can we make a promise, to each other?" I asked him.

"What do you want?" Hux looked at me, his blue eyes full of concern.

"We will never try to shut down our feelings for each other again. I want to just let it be. We are stronger when we are not fighting against ourselves." I was impressed that I had said all that.

"That sounds fine to me." Hux leaned over and kissed me on the forehead, and I sighed happily.

When we reached the apartment, Hux had to carry me inside, as I was still having trouble walking. He laid me on the bed, then crawled in next to me and pulled the covers over us both.

"Goodnight, Kylo," he said as he put one arm around me.

"Goodnight, Hux," I responded, curling up under the covers, moving closer to Hux.

Despite the fact that I was both helpless and fairly vulnerable, I did not think I had ever felt so safe in a long time. The feel of someone else's body pressing against mine in the dark was soothing and wonderful. I felt like everything was perfect. I did not want things to ever change from this.

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