Chapter Nineteen: Confident

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Hux PoV

"Here, go change." I chucked a medium sized box, presumably full of Kylo's new civilian clothing at him. He caught it and actually went to do it without his normal amount of rancor.

I sat on the floor of the apartment. It was not furnished very much. It only boasted two beds, in the same room, to the displeasure of Ren, a small table for eating and chairs for the table. There was a basic holo projector for receiving messages or sending them and multiple cabinets in the small kitchen area. There was one bathroom and shower which was located in our shared room.

I walked into my room and stripped off my uniform. Kylo seemed to be in the bathroom. I switched it out to a pair of fitted, dark burgundy pants, and a black, close cut, high collared shirt. Simple, stylish and subdued. I would not stand out in a crowd. Over this I wore a greatcoat similar to the one I wore on the base, only without an insignia on it. I kept my normal boots and holstered my blaster on the side of my leg. Now, I just had to wait for my partner to finish changing.

I did not have long to wait. Within a couple minutes, Ren appeared, opening the door of his bathroom. Dressed in black with grey and silver accents he cut a very nice figure in tight fitting, black pants tucked into high boots with black straps and silver buckles. He wore a dark grey shirt under a flowing, dark coat that went to his mid thigh and belted at the waste with a wide belt. His pants had a slender, silver stripe running down the outsides of each leg. It was an outfit that brought out the best in his appearance.

"This feels a little bit too..." Kylo looked unsure and a little bit put off,"stiff. It reminds me of something that a Senator would wear to a high and mighty state dinner."

"You look fine. Actually, you look really good, but out of curiosity, how do you know what Senators wear?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I just know," was his unsatisfying answer," are we gonna go and steak out this Temple?" He put one hand on his hip as he ran the other through his dark curls.

"Yes. It is just now the time that people would go out for dinner. There are many reputable restaurants within a near vicinity of the Temple ruins." I straightened my shirt and winked at Ren. "Well, 'Ben Riannan'," I used his fake name,"shall we?" I adopted a flirtatious role I had seen before for my part. Jacen Crise was a man unlike what I really was. He was an insouciant, playboy, flirt. His actions bore no resemblance to my own, but that was the part I was playing for this mission and I adopted it wholeheartedly. If we succeeded, it would be worth it.

"I guess so." Ren was not good at playing the part of the equally rich and eccentric boyfriend from the Outer Rim. When he was not destroying things in fits of rage, I had found out, he was a fairly morose and withdrawn young man.

"Be a little more exciting. Play the part, if not for being closer to fulfilling the legacy you feel called to finish." I shamefully threw that reference in. If it would motivate him, the words would be worth it

"Fine." He sighed, then took my arm. He actually seemed fairly comfortable, as if he had done this before, taken someone by the arm and led them down the promenade.

We walked out onto the corner and hailed an air taxi to take us to an upscale restaurant within walking distance of temple ruins. Ren seemed perfectly relaxed as he walked. I wondered what his past was. It was obvious, watching him walk and speak, I observed him ordering our meals and drinks, that he was well educated and had some manners in protocol and etiquette. His posture was impeccable, his bearing elegant, and he knew how to charm. He acted like minor nobility.

It was not the time to inquire, however. We were here to try to get another clue to Skywalker. Maybe if I was lucky though, I could get something else out of this as well.

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