Chaprer 40

555 10 0

Jordan POV

After awhile I came into the house. My mind was completely dull. Feeling mulitiable feelings. Mad,Angry,Pissed,Sad you name it I felt it. I didnt even wanna be around my homies. All I cared about at the moment was if Necole and Bre'Aisa were okay. This is just alot of drama and Im just happy that Im done with it all.

I walked into the living room to find a sleeping Necole and my baby girl being played with by the girls. I smiled at the sight. Everyone looked at me and smiles grew widely on their faces. They began cheering. Forgeting Necole was sleep.

Aye how long she been sleep? U asked Chris. Who she was laying on.

Every since you left. Chris said looking down at her.

Thanks man. And how long Bre'Aisa been up? I asked the girls.

She been up for a good long time. The twins said smiling looking down at Bre'Aisa.

Mhm okay. I dapped my niggas on my way towards the kitchen. I walked towards my icebox getting out a large bottle of water and an apple. Turning around heading back towards the living room.

When Micheal stopped me. Aye man how it go? He asked going through my icebox.

It was I guess okay. I mean like it couldve been worst right. I said stopping in my tracks.

Yeah I guess. But aye you- He said turning around staring at me.

Nigga I dont do that gay shit you better stop stairing at me like you about to attack my body. I laughed taking a bite of my apple.

Nigga you got jokes. But you been hit. He said pointing to my shoulder.

I went to the room looked at my shoulder. I could see the bullet so it wasnt deep. I took some twissers and got it out. Wrapped it up.

Going back to the living room. I ws gasped in a big hug. Looking down I seening Necole all hugged up on me. Although I was in pain I picked her up and spun her around. Giving kisses.

Thank god your okay! She said kissing me in excitment.

Yeah I guess. I then grabbed my baby girl from the girls. Sorry if I scared yall but we all good now. I said smiling kissing Bre'Aisa puting her back down.

I sat on the couch talking and laughing with my two princesses and the crew. We were enjoying ourself. Welk until there was beating at the door. We all got up at tge same time. Me in lead and Necole hugged up behind me as well as the crew gathered around us.

I opened the door and to our surprise it was the laws. Oh shit I said to myself.

Jordan Hines? The officer asked.

Um yes sir. I asked confused.

Okay I'd like to bring you down to the station and answer some questions for us please.

Um officer is there something wrong? Necole butted in.

Um not really its just that Mr.Youngblood. Has been found dead, and we belive you might know something.

Youngblood. First name please? I asked looking at Necole and back at the officer.

Yes. Jalen Youngblood. It seems as a boy and girl was working together to kill him. And evidnce points to you Mr. Hines.

Will he be doing time? Necole asked. 

Only if he did play a roll but right now Im worried about these questions. So come please.

Me and Necole looked back and got our keys. Ready to do this. Necoke turned towards The crew and asked if they could stay here with baby girl. And we left.

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