Chapter 18

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"Celina, let's go." Trevor grabbed my hand pulling me out of the alpha's office.

"Wait, I'm sorry Celina, I'm sure that my son will come around.  Just give him time.  I will talk to him." Alpha Halder pleaded with me.  I was getting sick of hearing people telling me to give Korin time to accept me as queen.

My uncle's voice sounded reassuring through our mindlink and repeated what the alpha said.  Trevor tugged my hand urging me to leave and I numbly trailed behind him. We walked in silence crossing the training fields that usually screamed for my attention but was ignored by my mate's words ringing in my head. Trevor stopped several hundred yards before we reached our house squeezing my hand.  Trevor turned around facing me tilting my chin upward to search my face.

"Please Trevor, don't tell me to give him more time."

"I'm not, Celina.  I know Korin very well.  When he has made his mind up about something he sticks with it.  He won't change his mind.  He will not let you mark him." Trevor drew me into his arms,  I rested my head on his chest losing myself in the rhythmic sounds of his heartbeats. Trevor pushed me away holding me at arms length. "Ok, Celina. I will help you become the queen that you are destined to be."

Hope fluttered in me, "Are you saying..."

"Yes, I will mate you. Tonight after the introductions are made."

"Trevor are you sure?"

"Yes, I can see how distress you and your wolf are. You can't keep this up."

"How do you do that? You know what my wolf feels better than me?"

Trevor smiled, "It is one of the abilities that I have as your captain.  When you become queen you will be able to fully communicate with your wolf."

"If we are really going to do this, we shouldn't do it on the pack grounds.  Let's go to the hot springs."

"Ok, we will meet at the back gate."

The thought of us mating reddening my cheeks. Trevor pulled me into his arms again chuckling and  tightening his hold.  He brushed his lips on my forehead, "It will be ok."

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