Chapter 38: Walk Away

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"What. Did. You. Say?" My mouth gaped open.

"Sorry Danielle." He shrugged. "But I think it's for the best." He got up as I slowly stood up.

"So this is it?" I tightened my voice still not believing what was happening to me.

"Sorry." He came closer to give me a hug. I flinched back and put a hand up to his chest.

"No." I lowered my voice to a growl. "Don't you even dare touch me."

"Danielle look I'm sorry but..."

"No butts. Done is done." I flipped my hair back and glared one last time into his brown eyes.

"Danielle I-" Before he could say anything else he decided to shut himself. He gave one last shrug and started to walk off.

"That's right walk off. Walk away like the coward you are." I whispered a bit loudly hoping he could hear me. But to my dismay he didn't even hear me. Of course since I'm the mute girl. Just the quiet one.

I took a deep breath and tried to smile. My smile was fake though. Once again I was heart broken. I casually walked off into the other direction. I wanted to cry but I ran out of tears from the last time. Though when tears come, they come out big time. In search of Merlyn I finally found her in a group of girls. I didn't want to interrupt but I needed to talk to her. She finally caught sight of me and her smile turned into concern.

"Danielle what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yes." My voice cracked as the tears decided it was time to come out.

"Wait what happened? I saw Joe walk off with a dejected look."

"Isn't it obvious?"

I finally cried. The tears came out salty and rotten. I wasn't sad though, I was angry. He played with my feelings once again and I kept falling for him. I cried and when I cry It takes a while. I always tried to remain strong and never cry but there are times one need to let it all out. Sure tears are not a good thing but once they run out...they run out.

"Not to make you more sadder but...It's for the best." Merlyn had me in a hug trying to calm me down.

"Not you too..." I wiped the tears with my sleeves.

"No really he wasn't worth it. I had a dream about him and trust me he is no good."

I stopped my tears from falling and took a deep breath. She had a point, he was no good and to make things worse it wasn't his fault to begin with. It was my fault  for letting me tangle again with his words. This was all of my fault.

"This time he is going to pay." I whispered more to myself but Merlyn caught that.

"Danielle I think you're overreacting. You let him go and continue your life. That butthole doesn't deserves you."

"No he doesn't but he needs a lesson to be taught."

"What will you do then?" Merlyn frowned. "Hurt him so you can get caught and go to jail or worse, let him keep hurting you?"

"He'll never hurt me again." I narrowed my eyes. "He'll never hurt me ever."

I felt my head start to work. Planning for revenge, How hard can that be? I felt a little light bulb turn on. I was so stupid to fall again but I had a plan. A plan that he will soon regret. This time he wasn't going away with it. I'm going back. To the same old Danielle.

The one who was easy to get.

The one who was fragile to get hurt.

The one who kept on making stupid mistakes.

The same one that was innocent to everyone else.

"Just wait," I turned to Merlyn. "Next week will be different."

"What do you mean? What about next week?" She rose an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Nothing." My mood suddenly changed. "Just let me keep on crying."

So I cried. Might as well get over with it. Little did anyone knew what was going to happen next week.

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