Chapter 25

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Louis Pov

Soon after, a waiter comes up to us saying his name is Jace and asks us if we're ready to order.

It was a male voice and they sounded young, like around my age but younger.

I look up and realize its that guy that was staring at Jo earlier.

I scowl but don't say anything.

"Can I have the fried shrimp plate with macaroni on the side?"

"Yes of course beautiful," he side grins, writing it down

I roll my eyes and shift in my seat.

He doesn't ask for my order so I just give it,

"I'll have the T-bone steak with a baked potato"

He nods, not saying anything.


Jo smiles and twirls her hair around on a finger,

"Your muscles are really big" she looks up at him all innocent.

"Really? Thanks.. I lift weights every Thursday at the gym"

She moves her eyes to me, biting back her smirk and then turning back to the douche, "Can I feel?"

"Yeah of course!" He flexes for her. Jo's fingers wrap around his bicep and I cringe.

My muscles are bigger than that, what's the big deal?

I mean.. I think.

Going to the gym a bit more wouldn't hurt..

"They're so big," she says over dramatically.

He smiles down at her but before either of them could flirt anymore right in front of me, I got up to go to the bathroom to get away.

Jo grabs my arm and stops me when I'm passing her, "but THIS GUY has the biggest muscles I've seen! And he doesn't even go to the gym," she brags.

I smile wide and then look at my shoes.

He glances at me and then back to her, "I mean I don't go every Thursday just like every other ya know?"

She laughs at him, "Yeah, so then would you mind using your big strong muscles to carry our plates of food to us?"

I hold in my laugh.

He nods, "uh yeah sure" He walks away slightly embarrassed.

I sit back down and fold my fingers together on the table,

"You suck." I chuckle.

She grins, "I'm sorry, you're just so cute when you're jealous"

"I'm glad your amused" I pout playfully.

"Dude don't pout," she reaches over and pokes me.

"No I'm gonna pout" I smirk.

"No boy, you're not!" She laughs "I totally just embarrassed him for you!"

I don't respond and I feel her kick my leg.

"What the hell" I rub my ankle

"Stop pouting," she demands


She kicks again. A bit harder.

"Stop that!" I exclaim.

"Not unless you stop pouting!"

"What if I don't want to?" I tease.

"Then, you know I play soccer and know how to kick balls," she fake smiles.

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