Chapter 47

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Josilyn Pov

Louis's head turns to the left for a brief second before his eyes go wide and a gasp falls from his lips.

I see him jam his foot onto the petal and our bodies jerk backwards as he tries to speed past the truck.

But we don't make it quick enough and the truck's front hits our end and we go swerving helplessly.

I feel his arm pressed tightly against my chest to try to protect me from swinging mindlessly as he tries to steer the car around.

I'm getting dizzy by the second and I feel like throwing up. My head hits the side of the window hard and I tightly grip the wounded spot with my hand as tears spring out of my eyes as I yell out.

Suddenly, out of desperation Louis presses his foot against the brakes.

The car immediately stops spinning as it skids on our right two wheels. The truck begins to rock almost tauntingly.

It lingers on my side of the truck more and I look at Louis with my blurred vision, knowing this is probably it.

"Shit!" Louis looks scared out of his mind. He hurriedly fumbles with my seatbelt and undoes it. He tries to pull me out of my seat and over to his side. But I know it's probably useless as I can do nothing but sob now.

Much to my surprise, he begins to pull me up, "I got you babe, I got you" My scared, blurry eyes look up to Louis's as his fearful green eyes look down at me. I shakily breathe out a sigh of relief.

But it soon is replaced by panic as it feels like my body has gone numb as I feel the truck finally tip over. The breathe is kicked out of me as I feel my body slip out of his grip and his eyes widen dramatically, "NO!"

He desperately grasps out for me as I fall.

If I fell now, I would hit concrete and glass.


He manages to catch my wrist and he exhales loudly, as he pulls me back up. For good this time, wrapping me into a tight, tight embrace. My feet are no longer dangling as I hold on tightly.

"I was so scared I..I.." I began to cry into his shoulder as he rubs my back.

He too is crying but quickly wipes his face, trying to be the stronger one in the situation, "It's okay, you're alright." He whispers soothingly into my ear.

He tries to try and open the door but it's hard enough with the car on its side, making it heavier, and then he has me in his other arm.

"I'm going to have to break the window," he tells me.

He struggles to hold me as he slightly turns left and reaches his foot over and begins to kick the already slightly cracked window continuously, until it bursts into a million pieces. I turn my head away as the glass falls past me.

"Josilyn, hold onto this. Do NOT let go, do you hear me?" He says sternly, putting my hand on the grab handle on the roof of the car.

I know that whenever he calls me Josilyn, that's he's 110% serious. So I nod rapidly and hold onto the seat with one hand, the grab handle in my other.

I never thought I'd ever actually use it.

Lou slyly unbuckles the seatbelt but still holds onto it as he maneuvers his way up and out of the door, I cringe as he hits a few pieces of glass but he acts like he doesn't care as he makes his way out.

When he gets there, he begins to immediately swipe all the glass off and onto the ground, wincing.

"Are you stupid? What are you doing?!" I exclaim "You're hurting yourself!"

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