Chapter 40

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Prepare yourself.


Louis Pov

Eventually Jo had fallen asleep in my arms, about 2 hours ago now.

I just sat and watched TV, thinking.

So many questions were running through my head. I'm just sitting and waiting for Jo to wake up so I can ask my billions of question.

I need answers.

I look down at her beautiful face for a few minutes, before lightly kissing her cheek. I'm slowly slipping away from her and out of the bed to go downstairs, when her eyes flutter open and I slide back in.

She smiles up at me, "you weren't about to leave me were you?" She teases.

I kiss her forehead, "Of course not love, I just.. I- Josie I need answers. My head has been spinning in confusion." I admit.

She frowns, "What? Answers about what?"

"About what just happened before you fell asleep. That whole fainting thing." I explain.

Her face pales, "like.. what type of answers?" She says slowly.

"What all happened in your dream? Why was I leaving you? You've never had a dream like that, not that I know of at least. And just why now?" I ramble.

She stays silent for a bit of time, fumbling with her fingers and trying to come up with what to say.

"I've read that sometimes people have bad dreams based off of their conscious." I add knowingly.

"You were really upset about something," she says quietly.

"Upset about what?" I push. "And why did you faint?"

She bites the inside of her cheek, "You know, I really need a shower." She speaks all of a sudden standing off of the bed.

I catch her wrist, "No you don't, you already got one today." I point out, narrowing my eyes at her.

She pulls her wrist away "Yeah but.. I'm all sweaty, I just really need a hot, long shower." She puts big emphasis on 'long.'

Before I could say anything else, she was off and jogging into the bathroom. Quickly shutting the door behind her. I hear the lock turn.

There is DEFINITELY something going on.

I stand and open the bedroom door, rushing out. I make my way downstairs.

Everyone is in the living room whispering about something. But all I can make out are a few murmurs.

"...she'll tell him..."


"I think.."

I make my way into the living room and everyone stops talking.

I raise my eyebrows but simply shrug it off, going back to why I originally came down here.

"What happened with Josie?" I ask.

"W-What do you mean? What did she tell you?" Harry asks with wide eyes.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "Depends. What did she tell YOU?"

There's obviously something go on here that I don't know about. All I was told over the phone was that she fainted and wouldn't wake up. And when I got here, she woke up crying from a horrible nightmare.

But why did she faint? And why was she dodging my questions.

"Well is it that she-"

Lexi clamps his hand over his mouth, "Shutup Harry!" She snaps.

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