Chapter 72

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''Babe sit still!'' Louis exclaims as I fidget onceagain.

''Your hand is shaking!'' I swear if he messes this up..

''That's because you keep moving, I'm nervous!''

''Why are you nervous? I should be nervous! This is my precious hair you're cutting off. Louis I swear if you cut off any more than what I told you I will cut off your..''

''Josie!'' he laughs ''Brianna is right there.'' he reminds me pointing to Brianna sitting on the ground and babbling to her stuffed penguin.

''Just calm down, I got this.'' he says calmly. I sigh and take a deep breath.

Once he sees that it's okay, I hear the snipping of scissors and I cringe.

''Slow, go slower. Take your time. Don't mess up.''

He slowly grabs another strip, and I hear another snipping. I squeak.

Why couldn't Lou be on this bus instead of the seperate staff one?

''No, no just get it over with please! Hurry up!'' I plead.

I can't take this.

Out of the reflection of the mirror, I see him roll his eyes before quickly finishing and evening out the rest of my hair.

''Okay,'' he sets down the scissors ''I'm done.''

I frown as I take my hair between my fingers, ''It's so short.''

He raises an eyebrow at me, ''It's still way down your back, I don't understand what the big deal is?''

My jaw drops at him, ''The big deal is I've been trying to grow it out! I don't like my hair short.''

''Jo,'' he chuckles ''It's not short. I only cut off like an inch..''

''An inch?'' I exclaim. ''You only had to cut off like half of an inch to make it even from where Brianna cut.''

''Yeah well you had split ends.. you're welcome.'' he grins.

''I'm so done with you,'' I throw my hands up leaving the room. He laughs as he follows.

''I still haven't heard my thank-you,'' he teases plopping down on the couch. 

Brianna is instantly pulling at his jeans, trying to get up so he lifts her and sits her on the spot next to him on the couch. She crawls onto his lap and sits.

''You're not getting one. She shouldn't have had the scissors in the first place.'' I say.

''That wasn't my fault!''

''Was too.''

''I thought Niall had her.''

''You know you have to watch Niall, he's forgetful sometimes!''

'Ok, ok I'm sorry.'' he groans and I nod approvingly, stopping mid-way when I yawn.

''You sleepy?'' he asks.

''Kinda,'' I shrug.

''Go to sleep then,'' he states the obious.

''No, clearly I can't leave you alone with Bri.'' I tease.

''Shutup and go,'' he chuckles pushing me towards the back.

I groan, ''Fine. But watch her Louis!'' I say sternly.

''I will, I will. Go get some sleep love,'' he says kissing my forehead.

I nod and also give Brianna a kiss before tiredly make my way to the back of the bus towards the bunks.

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