Chapter 52

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3 months later

(Sorry guys you know I like to skip around!:3)


Louis Pov

Bri's loud squeals fill the room as Harry continues to tickle her tummy, her feet kicking helplessly in the air. Jo watching from the side laughing. Bri is the most ticklish thing ever born.

We can't even change her diaper without her bursting into giggles.

And don't even get me started on her baths.

She definitely got this from Josie.

"Alright, alright, alright," she laughs "I think that's enough, let her breathe."

He chuckles as he pulls away to let her catch her breathe.

She's breathing heavily out of her mouth with her toothless grin still plastered on her face.

I stand up and bend down, scooping her up, "Come here you!" She squeals as I kiss her nose.

"You hungry?" I ask.

She just tilts her head of course and I chuckle as I hand her off to Josie, who smiles at her and jogs off upstairs.

I sit down on the couch, going through my texts and replying to a few. I've been so distracted by Brianna and Jo lately, I didn't even notice my phone was lost until last night.

"Louis have you seen whats going on on twitter?" Harry asks.

"No?" I raise my eyebrow.

"The fans.. they-"

"Louis!" I hear Jo call from upstairs.

"Hold that thought," I give him a finger and then rush upstairs and into our bedroom.

Jo is sitting on the bed, breastfeeding Brianna. I sit next to her, "yeah babe?"

"Have you gone down to city hall yet?" She asks.

My eyes widen as I curse under my breath.

"Louis!" She exclaims.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I've just been so forgetful lately I-"

"You need to go sign the papers Louis! Or else technically you're still just a stranger to Brianna and not her dad!" She lectures. "You have to sign them in order to make it official!"

"Yes baby, I know I'm sorry! I'll go right now." I assure her, quickly putting on my shoes.

I kiss her cheek and turn to leave the room when suddenly my phone rings.

I huff and answer, "Hello?"

"We're having a meeting and need you here"

"Just me?"


"Ok whatever. When?"

"Now. Bring Josilyn and the kid." They hang up.

I groan loudly.

"What's wrong?" Jo asks.

"Management are having a meeting we have to go to. You, me, and Bri. Right now." I tell her.

"Okay, that's fine. You can just sign the papers afterward," she says pulling her shirt up. She hands Brianna to me so she can change.

I look down at her to see her small hand is fisting my shirt as she looks up at me.

She will fist or hold anything she can get ahold to.

"I mean yeah but.. No babe, we.. that means going outside." I explain.

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