Chapter 87

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"Try on this one and this one!" Em instructs, putting 2 more over the dressing room door.

"And this one!" Lex squeals, throwing me 4 additionally.

"Guys!" I groan, "Hold on, I have to finish putting this one on!"

"Hurry up!" they chorus.

"Alright, alright!" I laugh.

Once I leave the room, I walk back out to the main lobby. I saw the girls whom were all eagerly peaking through the many hangers, looking for more dresses.

I clear my throat to get their attention. They all quickly turn to look, grinning.

"You look beautiful!" Em exclaims.

"Em that's what you say everytime!" I point out.

"Because you do!" she laughs.

"It looks great but.." Lex starts.

"It's not the one." I finish for her and she nods.

"Now go try on those 4 I gave you!" she grins, before then turning back to the bridesmaid dresses and picking through.

I groan, slowly walking back to my dressing room, "Time to try on number.." I pause to think, "sixteen."

I chuckle lightly to myself. This is just great.

"Where's Bri and Livie?" I call from the dressing room as I strip down again.

"I'm almost done putting on our dresses!" I hear her shout from the dressing room across the room.

I collect the next dress on the door and examine it. My eyes scan it and I eliminate it without a second thought.

I could never pull that off.

I grab the next one and smile. It looks lovely. I begin to try to put it on. But in the middle of pulling it up, I hear my phone ringing.

I quickly reach for it in hopes it's my fiancé.

I miss him so much.

I frown when I see it's Niall.


"Hey, gorgeous."

"Louis?" I squeak.


"I miss you so much. Why are you using Niall's phone?"

"I miss you too. It's why I called. Except, they took my phone whenever I got here so that I wouldn't get 'distracted' by you.. so I stole Niall's and I'm in the bathroom."

I giggle, "They're going to find you."

"Eh, give it a minute. So how's it going? Have you found the dress yet?" he asks.

"No.." I sigh.

"It's okay. Don't sound so bummed. I know you'll find it, Jo. You have all day."

"Yeah but I miss you and I'm just... I'm losing faith in ever finding it. I think what I'm looking for probably does not exist."


"Besides, how do I know if it's the dress anyway?" I sigh, plopping onto the couch in the room.

"Because.. you'll just know. Only you will be able to determine if it's the one. Sure the dresses you've tried on, you probably felt pretty in them. But in that one dress, you'll feel.... perfect." He explains with such emphasis and emotion in his voice that I imagine him picturing it himself.

"And continue to think of me while you're at it. I know you'll be absolutely beautiful in anything you wear but.. I want you to find that one dress that you know will take away my breath at the alter." he tells me and I smile.

The Accident // L.T.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang