Chapter 37

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2 days later..

Josilyn Pov

"Rise and shine beautiful," Louis whispers.

I groan and pull the covers over my head. I turn to on my stomach and feel myself wince when my boobs are squished.

I hear him chuckle as his head hits the pillow again, "alrighty then grumpy."

"I couldn't get any sleep. Perrie was on my mind," I huff.

Louis sneaks under the covers with me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

"Again? Babe this'll all blow over, Zayn said he'd handle it today." He kisses my cheek.

"Yeah but.."

"But nothing. Just relax today. We'll sit in and eat pickles while watching movies all day like we always do when you're on that time of month." He says softly.

I smile, "Okay."

He pecks me on the lips. And then we both come back from under the sheets. It was getting hot under there.

"I'm going to get a shower and then I'll come down and make you breakfast," I say getting up.

"No I got it! Wait.." He frowns. "I have all those interviews today, remember?" He reminds me.

I huff.

"What time do you leave again?" I ask.

He looks over towards the clock. It reads 10:43 am.

"It's starts in less than 2 hours," he says.

I sigh, "Ok well.. I guess we have 2 hours together."

"That's the spirit," he once again pecks me on the lips. "I'm going to be back late though."

"Yeah I guessed.. Anyways I'll meet you downstairs after I catch a shower." I say.

He nods, "okay."

He then jogs off downstairs as I enter the bathroom and close the door.

I undress myself completely and step out of my clothes. Entering the shower, I begin to scrub my body all over. Only focusing on my thoughts.

When I step out, I automatically reach for a pad. But then I stop myself when my previous underwear on the ground catches my eye. There's nothing on it.

My period hasn't started...

My period is ALWAYS on time.

I sit down on the toilet as I feel myself freaking out. Maybe something's wrong with me. Maybe I need to go to the doctor.

Before I could think anything else, I felt myself standing and lifting the toilet seat from under me and throwing up into it.

When I'm done I lie on the cold tile ground with my towel wrapped me and rest the back of my hand on my forehead. This is so weird.

*knock knock*

"Babe are you ok in there? I'm not hearing movement." He sounds worried.

I groan as I sit-up. "Yeah, I'm fine." I quickly dress myself.

I don't want him to suspect something when it really just might be nothing.

"Open the door," he urges.

I unlock the door and open it.

He scans me, "so.. you ok?" he asks.

I nod, "I'm hungry."

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