Chapter 92

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There may be some things your a little lost on in this chapter. That's okay, you'll get it eventually! ♥



*Next day*

"You're going to wear it!" I giggle, shoving it back to him.

"No, no I will not." he lets it fall to the ground.

"Louis," I whine, picking it up.

"I am not wearing a cowboy suit. I told you not to get me anything weird. This is beyond weird." he complains.

"I know but please! It matches me and Brianna's. We're going to be a family. You're woody, I'm bo-peep, and Bri is our little sheep." I grin happily and see him fidget.

"Fuck." he curses under his breath and I know he's in.

"I don't know why I ever put you in charge of things." He groans, yanking it from me. "I'm buying next year's."

"Okay, okay. Fair enough. Are you going to- wait! You're not going to try it on?" I exclaim as he throws it into the closet.

"No you're crazy if you think.." I pout and his aura suddenly changes, "Well I mean.. I wasn't planning on it.. but I suppose I could," he says hesitantly.

I smile wide, "Great, okay. Then I'll try on my bo peep too!"

He sighs, stripping off his shirt.


Louis Pov

"I look like a fucking pioneer country boy," I gripe.

"Louis, first of all I'm not even sure that made sense. Second, don't say that. I think you look kinda hot." she teases me.

I turn around, "Kinda? So I'm not even full hot now but.. kinda hot?"

"I don't know, let's see what you look like with your cowboy hat on."

She takes the stupid hat I tried to hide under the bed from off the floor and puts it onto my head. Adjusting it slightly, she smiles. "Looks nice."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever just go try on your perfect little bo peep costume."

She grabs the costume and begins to strip off to change into it. Meanwhile, I turn back to look at myself in the mirror. This is horrible. If I would've known she was going to come back with a freaking cowboy suit for me, I would've gone myself.

But now that's she come back with her perfect little plan of family costume and already bought it, it's not like I could say no. And I know she waited till now, the day of, to show them to me, on purpose. So I really don't have a choice but to go with it.

I can't be mad at her though. Especially when she smiles at me like that, hopeful I won't crush her dreams.

I huff aloud. At least it'll be dark so people won't-"

"Oh Louis," she sing-songs my name.

Next thing I know, I feel a thick white hook come around my neck and I'm gently pulled backwards. I chuckle, as I realize it's her bo peep prop, and slowly turn around.

My chuckle fades as I look her up and down. "You look.. wow you look.. um.." I'm at a loss for words. I wasn't expecting this.

"What? I look what?" she asks eagerly. "Spit it out."

"I don't know! You look.. cute."

"Cute?" She gapes, clearly unsatisfied with my answer.

"Adorable actually. You know I think you're fit but you look so innocent in this and suddenly, quite frankly, the combination is giving me some naughty thoughts." I admit truthfully and she raises her eyebrow at me.

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