Chapter 1

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*Josilyn Pov*

"Alright guys I'm taking a bubble shower," I say walking into the bathroom.

I hear laughter.

"What's that?" Liam asks out of amusement.

"I don't really know," I say. "My friend said it's like where you pour a bunch of bubble bath on your body and then get under the water. A bunch of bubbles will appear on you. Sounds cool so I want to try it."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Liam chuckles.

"Yes it does."

"He's right.. cause if you just stand under the water, it's just going to wash away the soap, not make bubbles." Harry explains.

"That's not true!"

"I think it is Josie.." Niall adds.

"You guys know nothing." I hear them laugh as I then turn and walk into the bathroom.

I would lock it but they have a key anyway. And I figured that out from the multiple times they've had to go wee or walk in on me while I'm in the shower.

I began to undress and turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. While waiting, I decided to find out what song I wanted to listen to on my iPod. I didn't really want a specific one so I put it in the iPod dock and just hit shuffle.

Surprise, surprise! Guess what song came on? What makes you-- no not really. What's my name by Rihanna blared throughout the speakers as my vocals joined in with hers. Hers was just a tad better. Just a tad.

I stuck my hand in the shower and realized it was hot. I immediately snapped my hand back and screeched, turning it down. I stepped in and began to clean myself and then to look for the bubble bath but couldn't find it.

I immediately knew why. Those bastards hid it again.

"Guys! Where's the bubble bath?" I yelled loud enough for them to hear.

"I don't know, maybe your mum took it," I hear Louis shout.

I immediately turned off the water and stopped the music, opening the door, and charging towards the living room.

"Oh geez."

"I called it.

I made it into the living room and I'm pretty sure the boys weren't surprised to see me in only a towel.

Louis laughs before running around the whole house as I chase after him. As we go in complete circles, I can hear the boys making bets. How lovely. Louis began to run towards the front door as I chase him.

He's going to run outside. But he knows me enough to know I'm not afraid to run outside in only a towel. So as he runs out the front door and I follow, I'm not very surprised with the reactions.

But then as Louis tried to turn around to see if I was chasing him still, his clumsy self of course, just had to trip. Making me trip over him and fall on top of him. I giggle as he groaned underneath me.

"Oh, am I turning you on Louis?" I ask.

Louis glared at me, "No, you kneed my dick, not exactly a turn on, love," he says.

"Well sometimes it is whenever a guy is already hard... which I happen to notice, since you're right under me, you are," I say matter of factly.

"Josie, that's because your boobs are in my face. Some boys get turned on by that stuff," he speaks.

I laughed as the boys laughed from behind as they pointed out all the paparazzi and fans in our yard that we hadn't acknowledged yet. We both turn our heads to the appalled and laughing fans and paparazzi. Most girls would blush and run back inside if they were me in this situation as I laid on the ground in only a towel getting pictures taken of me but as for me, I just laughed.

I began to laugh harder as he joined in before he began to calm down and wriggled himself from under me, making me fall onto the ground.

"What a gentleman," I say sarcastically. He laughs before giving me a hand and helping me up.

Before I could even thank him, I felt him kiss my cheek as he whispered, "Sorry love," before I felt my towel being pulled away from my body as he ran inside the house laughing uncontrollably.



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Sorry if its short... It was pretty long when I was writing it in wattpad. Just read it slower next time :3


12-22-14 this chapter was so stupid idk what I was thinking I'm so sorry.

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