Chapter 26

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It's short.


Louis Pov

As soon as the fans had saw I wasn't busy with Jo, many shyly walked over. And others rushed over, circling me.

"Hi Louis!"

"Louis! Are you and Josie on a date!"

"What's going on between you guys?!"

"Are you guys official?"

"You guys are so so adorbs!"

"Y'all are my OTP!"

I just smile at the girls, "No, nothing official"

"Are you going to ask her out?"

"You guys are the cutest thing I've ever seen!"

"Get married!"

"I ship Lousie so hard!"

"You're going to have beautiful babies-"

"Woah woah.. I.. It's just one date guys," I say.

After that I began to sign everyone's things and take many pictures.

I was almost done when I noticed Jace serving a table. And a thought popped into my mind.

"Excuse me girls for a second," I break out of the circle and walk up to Alyssa.

She looks up and smiles, "what can I do for you?"

"I just now remembered something.. could you maybe have a talk with our waiter?" I ask.

"Oh what has he done?" she says worried.

"He kept flirting with my date."

"I'm so sorry! I surely will have a talk with him. That's unacceptable behavior!"

I nod understandingly, "I mean, I don't want to get anyone in trouble but it was just really disturbing" I sigh.

"Yes, yes I understand. I'm sorry again. I will make sure it will never happen again," she says.

I nod. I'm about to say something else when I hear Jo's voice and freeze, knowing she heard.

"Oh Louuuu," She sing-songs my name.

I don't want to turn around to see the smirk plastered on her face.

But I force myself to. She's just smiling creepily.

"Oh Lou, your jealous is showing," she grins, pinching my cheeks.

Fans began to squeal loudly.

I laugh and slap her hand away "Leave me alone Jo. Don't you start"

She laughs, "Start what? You're just so cute when you're jealous!"

I roll my eyes and check my phone, it's 11:30ish.

"Can we please go home now? I don't want to talk about this."

She laughs and reaches up and kisses my cheek, "Cmon" she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the restaurant.

We're forced into a crowd of excited directioners/Lousie shippers and we get squished.

I have a tight grip on Jo's hand though and just pull us along, mumbling a few words on the way "excuse me" "let us through please" "trying to go home" "thankyou"

We get to the car and I open the door for her.

She gets in and I shut it behind her. Before jogging over to my side and getting in.

I lock the doors, start the car, and reverse out of the restaurant.

She grabs my hand, "I had so much fun tonight," she smiles

I glance her way and smile wide, "Really?"

"Yeah, it was perfect," She says.

I kiss her hand, "I'm glad."

The rest of the ride we listen to the radio as Jo jams out in her seat.

She's definitely in a much better mood than she was before we left.

When we pull into the driveway, it's almost 12.

I jog over to Jo's side, opening the door for her and this time..

She actually takes my hand.

We slowly walk together, hand-in-hand towards the door,

"So do you think we could maybe do this again?" I ask hopeful.

"What you mean like another date?" She asks.


"Sure," she smiles "I'd love that."

I smile. I'm about to open the front door when she stops me. She grabs me by my neck and pulls me down to her lips.

My hands cup her cheeks and pull her closer.

Before we could even make a minute into the kiss, the door was yanked open and we were forced to pull away.

"Well, well, well.. what do we have here?"

I groan and grab Jo's hand, pushing past Harry, "go to bed"

I pull her up the stairs.

"We stayed up so we could hear all about your date!" Zayn exclaims.

"It was great. I'm tired. Now goodnight," I shout loud enough and then close the bedroom door.

Jo laughs and I just shake my head.

We both change into our pajamas and then got cuddled under the covers.

Facing eachother of course.

"So.." Jo starts with a cute grin "where are we going tomorrow?"

"You'll see," I laugh.

She groans.

"Don't worry, you'll have fun," I assure her.

Soon after we both say our goodnights and fall asleep.

I dream about Jo.


This was short. Ik.

I have so much to say lol.

But I'm gonna kinda cut it short.

I'm going to be at the waterpark all day tomorrow, (actually today since its 1:39 am) and then we're going to be driving back the next day.

So I'm not updating tomorrow.

I'll maybe write in the car though.

And then I'm going to upload a chapter after this.. talking about my new story I'll probably be starting soon.

Requested from ig.

Ugh I'm tired..

HIT THAT VOTE BUTTON and comment plz.

-Peace, Love, Buddah.

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