Chapter 64

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"Mum I'm sorry you have to go so early!" I frown, bringing her into a hug.

"You called me mum!" She points at me in astonishment.

"Sometimes it slips, leave me alone ok. I'm still British y'know" I groan.

"I know, I was just surprised is all. Anyways you'll call right?"

"Of course. And daddy! Tell him I love him also."

"I will," she assures me.

The boys began coming down the stairs one by one holding their suitcase and mom steps aside to let them walk out to the tour bus, setting their stuff inside. I don't see Louis yet though.

Paul had called telling us that'd we would be leaving tonight instead of tomorrow morning because really bad weather was expected tomorrow morning and it'd just be best for our safety to leave tonight.

Unfortunately he had only found out about 2-3 hours ago, and only Liam, Harry, and I had already had our stuff packed ahead of time. As that left the rest of the boys panicked and throwing random stuff into suitcases last minute.

But Brianna's stuff wasn't packed fully either. I had started yesterday but never ended up finishing so that left Louis crazy. I offered to help but he just shooed me out of the room, barely acknowledging me, claiming he got it.

"Are you sure you don't need any help packing or anything?"

"No, I'm already packed and Louis should be about done by now. I don't know where he.."

I'm cut off by the sound of Louis coming down the stairs. I can hear him grunting and it sounds like he's struggling. I go to the bottom of the steps and sure enough see him looking down as he struggles to hold 3 suitcases.

Why the hell is he carrying so much?

"Lou do you need hel.."

I can't even finish my sentence as he jumps at the sound of my voice and loses grip on one of the suitcases as it goes sliding and flip-flopping down the stairs. It falls completely open at the bottom and all of Brianna's clothes sprawl out all over the ground.

"Fuck!" He curses "Jo!" He exclaims coming down the steps.

"I'm sorry I was only offering help!" I tell him as I begin to gather all the clothes and my mom comes back in and helps me.

"I didn't need help! I was doing just fine." He yells frustrated as he sets down the two suitcases and gathers clothes too.

"Obviously not, you didn't even remember to zip up the suitcase all the way. Why were you carrying so much anyway? You could've just made a double-trip instead of trying to be Mr. Hulk."

"Because we're on a tight schedule! There was no time for that." He exclaims "And I would've remembered if I wasn't forced to pack Brianna's and my suitcase in under 2 hours. On my own."

My mom looks like she wants to say something but chooses to keep quiet.

"Hey at least lucky for you I already had some of Brianna's done! And I offered to help finish but you said no!" I shout "It's not my fault you.."

Paul then comes walking through the door, "Guys it's time to.. What happened?!" He quickly comes over and grabs balls of clothes and immediately stuffs it into the suitcase, rushed.

"Jo made me drop the suitcase down the stairs!" He tells him.

Paul zips up the suitcase and stands it up. "Come on guys time to.."

"I did not. Stop blaming it on me!" I yell.

"Hey guys.." My mom starts calmly.

"Yes you did! Now we'll probably be stuck in a heavy rain storm and bad weather because of you!" He throws his hands up.

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