Chapter 6

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Josilyn Pov

I go back into the dressing room and gather up all the dresses on the floor, slightly pissed. Who did Louis think he was? My father? Sometimes, that's what it seems like. Yeah I know he's just trying to 'protect' me but... I don't know I just wanted to wear something different tonight.

I sigh and grab all the dresses and take them to checkout. Nobody is at the checkout counter so I look around for somebody. I spot a couple of workers, but they're all talking with customers. Their has gotta be some workers around here. It's an afternoon on a Friday.

I sigh and set the stuff down on the counter as I immediately hear a big thump under the counter.

"AHH!" a voice exclaims.

I jump back, "Um.. Hello?"

Chase comes from under the checkout desk, "Hi! Sorry, I was just organizing some stuff down there. Umm are you ready to checkout?" He asks.

I smile and nod, gesturing to my clothes. His eyebrows raise.

"I'm not buying any of these 7 dresses so they can go back on the rack-"

"None of them? These are a lot of dresses," he laughs "special occasion?" He asks looking through them.

"Clubbing," I chuckle "I go every Friday and I like to be in style," I shrug.

He stares at me for a second before his eyes widen and he snaps, "Woah! You're umm.. Josilyn, right? Or MagicJo as they call you for your amazing dancing skills! Oh my god I knew you looked familiar but I can't believe I didn't recognize you sooner!" He exclaims, like I'm some celebrity or something.

I chuckle and nod, "Yeah that's me I guess"

"You're a really fun girl from what I've seen. Like everyone else, I started going clubbing more frequently after you and you really are the life of the party. You're something else," he smiles.

I smile wide at his words, "Thanks, you're really sweet!"

He chuckles, "Thanks. So uh how come you're not getting these dresses? Well actually I mean, how come you're not getting that sexy dress I saw you in?" He smirks slightly.

I laugh, "Yeah um.. my friend that I'm with didn't really like it" I say.

He raises his eyebrows and then looks down at the dress and then holds it up, "What's not to like? Is he gay or something?" He says half serious.

We both laugh.

"No, he just.. I don't know, it's too much I guess. It's not really like all the other dresses I usually wear. I mean I always wear sexy dresses but none this much exposing really," I shrug.

"Hmm. Well yeah I kind of see where you're coming from because I've seen your dresses and yes, this is VERY different from all of them but that's kind of a good thing ya know? Try something different. So I think you should get it anyway. Plus, it looked amazing on you, might I add," he cheekily says.

I giggle and nod, "Thank you, that's a good point but I still don't know," I mumble fiddling with my fingers. I just don't want Louis to be disappointed in me. Wait what am I saying? Louis's not my dad, I can get whatever I want. But he'll probably give me the silent treatment or something.

"Here, it's on the house," he says beginning to ring it up.

My eyes widen, "What? No! Don't. I'll pay for it. Here I'll buy the dress," I say but he has already rung it up. He smiles cheekily before turning around,

"And here. I saw this dress and I don't know, it looked like your style kind of I guess and I don't know, maybe you'll like it," he says going through the rack behind the counter for a bit before pulling out this really gorgeous pink dress that flowed on one side. I loved it!

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