Chapter 95

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It's loooooong!


Josilyn POV


"Josie, I really think you should get some sleep. Please." Zayn begs for the thousandth time.

I shake my head at him, "No Zayn."

I didn't look up from Brianna once as I rocked her in my arms. I continued to watch her beautiful face carefully as she slept, cuddled in my arms. I was so happy when the boys showed up at the hospital, Liam carrying her in his arms.

She only shuffled and whined a little as he shifted her into my awaiting arms. It wasn't long before she immediately turned and snuggled closer to me. She's what I need. I need her to keep me sane right now. Along with Louis, she's my other half. I love her more than myself and will forever hurt anyone who tries to harm her.

She's my baby.


This whole situation of Louis and the surgery, is giving me a reality check. I took him for granted. I got used to his presence and quickly have forgotten that at any moment he could be snatched away from me, by the heartless hands of death. I could lose him any second, any hour, any day.

A wise person once said, you never realize what you have until it's gone. Louis could be gone, for all I know. These past 6 hours without him have been hell. Six! That doctor said only a few hours. I've never been so miserable, wondering if he's okay or not, if he's going to wake or not, if he's going to be able to open his mouth to say he loves me again. The time span has been horrible, yes, and stressful but it also made me think about Brianna and how, like everyone else, she's the same.

She could be taken away from me. It scares me the more I think about it. She's all I have right now, family wise. My parents are in a stage I don't feel like interfering with and my grandparents died years ago. Other than Louis, I only have my baby and the boys. I'd have to be put into a mental institution if something ever happened to her. It's something about being blood that drives me more nuts about the situation.

"Please Josie, you look horrible. You need sleep. I know you're exhausted, don't even lie to yourself." Zayn speaks.

"I am. But, I can't go to sleep. Not at a time like this." I mumble quietly as I continue to gently run the pad of my thumb over her pouted lip, her mouth slightly agape.

"You can barely keep your eyes open! Even Liam and Harry are asleep. I'm worried about you. Just take a quick nap. Niall this goes for you too, you look like hell."

Niall rubs his eyes, "I'm not going to sleep until Josie goes to sleep." He shakes his head.

Zayn sighs frustratedly.

"Zayn why don't you just go to sleep?" I say.

"Because, I can't just leave you alone. You deserve sleep way more than I do. Both of you do. I mean your faces are still nearly red from crying so much, and Josie your eye puffiness is about as big as Brianna's eyes gets when we give her candy." he informs.

"Like what do I have to do to get you to go to sleep?"

"Nothing, leave me be."

"I know it's what Louis would want you to do. He wouldn't want you to be all like this. So I'm not just going to leave you be." He says.

"For Louis is why I'm doing this, so I don't care. I have to keep an eye out for Brianna and Louis. I can't just-"

"Brianna? What's wrong with Brianna?"

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