Chapter 26

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~Joey's POV~
I think I picked out the perfect gifts for Daniel. He's gonna love them!! If he wakes up before Christmas. The doctors got back to me, and said they predict r will wake up in a month, based on the crash. I can't cuddle with him till a month. A MONTH. I can't wait that long! I want to be in his soft and warm arms, now and right now!!

I park in a reserved spot at the hospital for guests, and I walk back in with Wolf and Storm. I walk into the room. "Hey!" I say to Daniel, not expecting a reply. I play Panic! At the Disco, the band me and Daniel listen to ALL the time. I wrap presents, while wolf and storm were waiting anxiously at the end of Daniel's bed. I felt so bad for them. They think Daniel's mad at them or ignoring them. I continue to wrap presents, constantly checking on Daniel.

I wake up on the hospital floor, with wrapping paper next to me. I must've fallen asleep while wrapping. The lights are all turned off , so I turn on my phone flash light. I find Wolf and Storm next to Daniel's bed. Wolf on the left, and Storm on the right. I smile. I move my gifts into the little closet that comes with the guest side of the big hospital room. I then hop up on my bed and fall back asleep.

Another morning with no 'good morning sweetie' from Daniel. No good morning kiss. I sigh, and I hop in the shower. I'm gonna go home today, and I'm just gonna visit everyday. I can't live here forever. I hop out of the shower and I pack my dirty clothes into my real luggage. I grab the pups and the wrapping paper. "Good bye Danny. See you later" I say to Daniel, kissing him on the forehead, then leaving.

I put my keys into the front door lock. I let out a sigh, and I open the door. I don't feel the special feeling I felt when I usually open this door. I have definitely felt this feeling before in the past. The feeling of loneliness. Emptiness. The pups run in, happy to be home. By now, they got the hint that Daniel won't be returning anytime soon. I feel so bad for them. They just want their daddy to be pain free and back home and happy. Okay maybe the pups don't feel that or even know what's happening but that's how I feel. I just want him back for the holidays.

My phone goes off, and I run to my phone, hoping and praying for it to be the hospital telling me Daniel has awoken. I check my phone and it's just Shane. I answer.

S: hey Joey! What's up?
J: nothing much.....
S: Joey you don't sound like... You. Everything okay?
J: well.... No. Daniel recently got into a car crash and is in a coma, so I'm really lonely.
S: Joey you poor thing! You must be worried sick about him! Any results? Any predications to when he'll wake up?
J: They said he will.... Wake up in about a month or two. They said no.... No damage to the ribs or lungs. He just had to get..... Stitches from the sharp prices of wind shield glass that got stuck in his skin.
S: that sounds like it was a very bad crash! What are you doing for the holidays? Your going to be all alone and it's Christmas Eve tomorrow! Wanna come hang with me, Drew, and Trisha for the holidays?
J: Thanks for the offer, but no. I'm going to be at the hospital with Daniel. Hey, can I come stay at your place tonight? It's really dang lonely here.
S: anything for you Joey!
J: thanks Shane. Your the best.
S: I know.

I smile and I hang up. I pack my bags and I leash up the pups and we head out.

I arrive at Shane's house, and he greets me. "Hey! What's up! So sorry to hear what happened. I feel terrible!" He says to me. "It's fine. At least I know he's breathing, and he will wake up one day." I reply, and he shows me where I'll be sleeping. "Thanks for letting me chill here for the night." I say to him and he smiles. "No problem! Anything for my bestie!" He laughs and I laugh. Shane always knows how to make me laugh in the darkest times. "Hey, wanna play a board game? I just bought monopoly!" He asks. "Sure! I love monopoly! Your going down!" I laugh, and we race off to start the competitive board game.

"HAHA BOW DOWN PEASANTS!" I holler as Shane laughs. "That is not fair YOU PLAY THIS GAME FIVE TIMES IN ONE NIGHT YOUR A PRO" he laughs. "Or I just have the best luck in the world." I smile, and he throws his monopoly piece at me. "What was that for!?" I giggle, and I throw it back at him. We throw our money in the air, just for fun.

"Goodnight! Thanks again for letting me stay here for the night! I had a great time!" I state to Shane as I'm heading off to bed. "No problem!" He replies. "I'm gonna leave early in the morning, cause I gotta finish wrapping Daniel's presents and I gotta load them all into my car since tomorrow's Christmas Eve." I state to him. "Okay! Call me if you need anything!" He replied, and we both head out separate ways to bed.

It's very early in the morning, and I get the pups and I start driving home. It sucks knowing that Daniel won't be awake for Christmas, but when he wakes up I'll throw him a mini Christmas celebration, and have him open his presents. I unlock the front door and I let the dogs run into the house. I grab Daniel's wrapped Christmas presents and I place them near the door, and I start wrapping the unwrapped presents.

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