Chapter 19

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~Daniels POV~

We exit the fancy, wooden restaurant, as we pause to look at the big waterfall outside the building. "It's so beautiful" Joey smiles, as his eyes glow with a special spark that makes him so adorable. He stares at the waterfall, smiling and staring straight at the wonderful colors the waterfall gives off. I break the silence. "Why stare at just one waterfall when you can walk through a whole garden!" I state, pointing to the walk through garden that holds many other beautiful waterfalls. He smiles cutely, grabs my hand, and we slowly walk through. "Daniel, how could I ever thank you." He states, staring straight into my eyes with his beautiful, cute green eyes. "You already did. By marrying me." I reply back with a smile, as he blushes. We end up in front of another waterfall, and I pull out a coin. "Want to make a wish?" I ask, holding the coin out. He stares at it, and pushes it away. I look at him in confusion. "You don't want to make one?" I ask him as he looks at the waterfall. He looks straight back at me. "I have nothing else to wish for. I already married my wish" He smiles, and pulls me into a long, everlasting kiss.

We arrive back to our hotel,  and I find a parking spot right near the entrance. "Joey" I nudge him, as he is peacefully sleeping. He squints, and looks at me. "We're back at our hotel." I say to his blank and tired face. He looks at me, and then falls asleep again. I smile, and I exit the car. I open the passenger car door, and I put my hand under joeys neck, and my other hand under his leg. I gently lift him up, and carefully remove him from the car. I hold him tightly in my arms, as he is fast asleep, and I lift up a leg and I kick the car door closed. I walk into the lobby and I press "5" in the elevator. The elevator  slowly starts to go up, as Joey's light weight is still being held in my arms. The elevator door opens and I look for room number E50. I see the room card in Joey's pocket, right where my  hand was. I pull it out, and I bite the card, since I have no free hands to hold it. I bend down, still with the card key in my mouth, and I lean in and I push the card into the slot with my mouth. The door then unlocks, and I push it open with my foot. I walk in, and I lay Joey down on the bed. I take off my clothes and hop into the shower, to get the smell off waterfall water and food off of me. I hop out of the shower, and I get into my pjs. I walk out of the bathroom, I tuck Joey in, and I hop into bed.

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