Chapter 17

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~Daniel's POV~

Everyone exited the church, and we followed behind everyone. Everyone made a huge tunnel and me and Joey ducked and ran through it, where other people were blowing bubbles on the other side. We hopped in a limo and went straight to a beautiful, fancy restaurant, where our after party was held. I looked at Joey. "This was the best day of my life." I sniffle to him. He looks at me. Gosh, his beautiful green eyes kill me.  "I never saw myself getting married to such a beautiful man like you." He replies back, and we hug and kiss.

We arrive at the restaurant, and they did a beautiful job of setting up. They had the two big crystals in the front, with a bunch of balloons. We walked out of the limo, linking arms nd smiling. I'm actually married. To Joey. I smile thinking about it, and I look at him. He looks at me, and smiles. "I love you." I whisper to him and we kiss again.  We walk inside and we find the dining room with a dance floor.  Everyone finds their table and sits. At our table we had Cat, Tyler, Shane, Meghan, and Brittany. Suddenly, a voice comes over the speaker. "Joey and Daniel, please come on up for your first dance" We look at each other and blush, and slowly start to get up. "JANIEL!!!!!!" Shane yells, and everyone laughs and we both blush and laugh. We walk up, feeling everyone's eyes on us. The music starts to play, and I put my hands on Joey's hip. He puts his hands on my shoulder, which feels very comforting. We slowly start to move along to the music. "Wow you really know how to dance" I whisper to him" he giggles. "I've practiced" he smiles. The song goes by really fast and we finish and we kiss.

Everyone's on the dance floor, dancing away, and me and Joey are sitting down. "Thank you" I tell joey over the loud music. "Thank you for the best moments of my life, for caring for me." I smile. I grab his hand and I kiss it. Cat suddenly walks over. "Come on guys! We're doing the cha cha slide! You guys gotta join in!"She laughs and she pulls my hand, and I grab Joey so he gets pulled with me.

It's finally time for the cake cutting. "Gather around everyone for the cake cutting!" A voice over the speaker speaks. Everyone piles around me and Joey, with their cameras out. Joey looks at me and smile, and I return the smile. I put my hand on the knife, and he puts his hand over mine. We both push together, and cut a piece of cake. He picks up his fork, and I pick up mine. We both grab a piece of cake and we feed it to each other. Everyone cheers, as me and Joey both laugh.

It's been one heck of a night. We danced till we couldn't dance anymore, we drank, and we caught up with a lot of friends we haven't seen in a while! Everyone left before us, to line up to congratulate us on our marriage outside. They once again made a tunnel for us, and had bubbles on the other side. But we decided to go through it differently. "Everybody raise the tunnel as high as you can!" I yell, as joey looks at me confused. Everyone raises their hands highly. "Hop on my back!" I whisper to Joey. He smiles, and hops on my back. I run through the tunnel with him on my back. I can hear Joey laughing like crazy, and smiling as I run him through the large people tunnel. We finally make it to the limousine, and I open the door for Joey. "After you Pig" I smile. "Thank you, Trash" He giggles back, and we close the door. The limo starts speeding off, and we can still hear the cheers of the people. I took  a glance at Joey, who still had his everlasting smile on his face. His cute little green eyes, tearing. We looked straight into each other's eyes. I pulled him in for a kiss, and he pulled me in even closer. On the back of the limo, there were cans and a Just Married sign.

We finally arrived home,  and we were very tired. We both plopped down on the couch. "What a night" Joey mumbled. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him "Yeah, why not" He replies. He hops off the couch and sits next to me. He buries his head in my chest, while I rub my fingers through his beautiful, fluffy hair. He starts falling asleep, and I rub his back. I start getting tired, so I get a blanket and I tuck Joey in, and I fall asleep. With Joey on my lap. "I love you" he mumbles. "I love you even more" I mumble back to him. He opens his eyes and stares at me with his beautiful smile. He puts his arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. Harder then he ever has before.

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and fruit, and I see Joey cooking breakfast. "Good morning sleepy boy" He laughs and I smile. I walk up to him and I put my arms around him. "Whatcha cooking?" I ask him, running my fingers through his hair. "Pancakes!" He smiles. "what do you have planned for today?" I ask him. "Well, I don't plan on going outside, so I got a better idea" I look at him confused, and he leaves the pancakes on the oven. He quickly runs outside and brings back two water guns. "Water War in the Pool" He smiles, and I laugh. "Okay fine, since you beat me last time! But I get to have Wolf on my team!" I laugh and he smiles. "Okay fine! I'll have Storm!"

We stand on opposite sides of the pool with a dog on each side. "ready wolf?" I ask wolf and he barks and wags his tail. I can hear Joey ask Storm if he was ready and Storm barks. "If you beat daddy Daniel I'll give you five treats!" I can hear him tell Storm. "Hey! NO bribing the dogs!" I giggle. "Three, Two, One, GO!" I yell and we all jump in the pool and splash each other.

After the Water War we decided to go to Paris for our honeymoon. We started to pack our bags. "I can't wait to go to Paris again!" Joey squeals. "This is my first time, and I'm glad I'm going with you" I smile and he smiles back. "Don't forget SharkyB for the plane!" I remind Joey as he runs upstairs to grab his shark. We both shower and we give Wolf and Storm baths and we head off to bed.

It's the 4 A.M, and I wake up Joey. "Joey, come on we gotta leave for our flight!" I quietly tell him as he slowly wakes up.  We put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and left the house with the luggage. "Here Joey, you can sleep in the back, I'll drive" I open the door for Joey and he crawls in the back seat and falls right back to sleep. I sneak Joey's vlogging camera from the front seat and I start recording him sleeping while parked in a gas station. I decide that I'm gonna prank him. I whisper to the camera. "Hey guys! We are on our way to Paris, and Joey's sleeping in the car ride to the airport." I turn the camera to Joey, and I zoom in on his face. "Since you saw last, I pushed him into the pool. This time I'm just gonna scream his name and see what he does." I turn the camera towards joey again. "JOEY!!!!" I yell in the loudest voice I can. He showed no reaction and he slowly woke up, squinting. I just laughed harder then I ever had before. I turn the camera towards me. "And that my friends is what you call a fail" I laugh and I pull out of the gas station

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