Chapter 23

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~Joey's POV~

"Joey, don't worry! We'll find him! I'll look around my streets, just in case he got lost, and you follow to route he usually takes!" Hope states in a calm voice. "Okay" I manage to sniffle, and I hang up. I sprint to get my keys, and I rush out the door. I slam the car door shut, I buckle up and I quickly pull out of the driveway. I start crying on the way to find Daniel. Where could he be? What if something really bad happened to him? Thinking these questions made me break down ever more. I drive along the route, looking for Daniel's car on the side of the streets. I suddenly see a sign, blocking a road. It's the road Daniel took to Hope's house! I start breaking down, hoping and praying that it's not closed down because of Daniel. Maybe it's just a fallen tree? I park my car quickly on the side of the road, and I hop out of the car, wiping away my tears. I look around for security, and none can be found. I quickly sneak pass the "DO NOT ENTER" tape, and I sprint down the road. I get blinded by the flashing red and blue lights. Once I see these lights, I start sprinting, faster then I've ever sprinted in my life. I still have a long way to go down the road, so I start sprinting faster to the flashing red and blue lights. I finally get closer, and I make out two cars. One is a pitch black car, which is only smashes in the front, and I can see fire fighters and police men carrying a man on a stretcher out of the car. Please let that not be Daniel. Please god. I get a closer look, and it wasn't. Thank god. I look to the left, and I see the most crashed, bent, and messed up car I have ever seen in my entire life. It was upside down, all windows smashed. The car looked like it was squished. I run up to get a closer look, as a police man stops me. "I'm sorry, you can't pass here." She says calmly to me. "But I need to find my boyfriend, he's lost and he went down this road!" I scream, and the female police tried to calm me down. "Calmly describe to me what he looks like." She states, as she gets a notepad out. "He has brown hair, and when he left the house last, he was wearing a red flann-" I pause. I see a movement at the corner of my eye and I look at the movement. It was another stretcher, but this one had an fluid pack hooked up to it, with a bunch of trained nurses on top of him, pumping air into his lungs, constantly repeating "stay with us body, come on keep breathing." They push him closer tot he ambulance right in front of us. As he gets closer, I make out brown hair and.... The red flannel Daniel was wearing when he left the house. No. That can't be Daniel. No. NO. No way that can be Daniel.

I repeat to myself, trying to hold in my tears. They rush him closer to the ambulance, and I get a better look at his face. It was Daniel. His face was lifeless. His eyes were closed, and he was motionless. I start sobbing, pushing the security gaurd out of the way, and she stops me. "LET ME THROUGH I NEED TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND! H-HE'S BEING CARRIRD AWAY IN THE AMBULANCE.... I NEED.. NEED TO BE BY.... BY HIS SIDE!" I scream, pushing the security guard as she still holds me back. "I can't let anyone through sir" She yells over my screaming. Daniel is pushed away into the ambulance, as they hook him up to all sorts of wires. "LET ME THROUGH!" I scream at the top of my lungs, as more security guards try to help and calm me down. As they are about to close the doors to the ambulance, I run under the security guards arms, and I sprint fast enough to make it into the truck. The door slams shut, and I sigh of relief. I look at Daniel. His face has no expression, no life, no emotion. I hate to see him like this. So helpless, so hurt. I see him breathing, but he is not waking up. "Daniel" I sniffle. "Daniel please wake up" I cry. "I need you! Daniel Please!" I cry even more. No sign of waking up. I start to sob again. I lay my face on his chest. His soothing heart beat comforts me while I sob over and over and over again. I'm thankful there even is a heartbeat. Let's hope the heartbeat lasts.

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