Chapter 10

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~Daniel POV~

Our plane finally lands after a very, very long flight. Joey is laying on my lap and I poke his nose. "Joey?" He slowly wakes up. "We landed" "Oh" He slowly moves and gets up. He holds his shark and leans his head on my shoulder and I put my arm around his shoulder and we walked into the food court. "What do you want?" I asked him and looked over, and he was asleep on my shoulder, standing up. I laughed and I poked him and he woke up. "What do you want to eat?" I asked him again, laughing. "Um, just a salad please" He mumbles and takes a seat in a booth. "Okay, I'll be right back." I walk to the salad bar, get us both a salad, pay, and walked back to Joey. "Someone finally woke up!" I smile, and he smiles back. "Thanks for the salad!" He states. We eat our salads and we throw away our plates.

I guide him to the car, as he starts to fall asleep. He starts to head into the driver's seat and I stop him. "Joey, I'll drive. You should get some rest, you had a very busy week! You can sleep in the back." He looks at me and smiles. "you're the best!" He smiles and climbs into the back seat with SharkyB. 

I arrive at the gas station, and I quietly open the door and shut it. I fill the gas tank up, and I check on Joey. He is still sleeping. Wow, he must be really tired. I close the tank and I quietly crawl back into the driver's seat. I buckle up, and all of the sudden, a big splash of freezing cold water was poured on me, at least a gallon, and I screamed. I hear laughing behind me, and I see Joey sitting back there, dying of laughter, holding an empty gallon. "JOSEPH!" I scream and he continues laughing his heart out. "WHERE'D YOU EVEN GET THE GALLON!?" "I ran in and got it in the gas stop quickly!" He says, covered in laughter. I start laughing, and I turn the car on and we drive off.

We finally arrive at our house in LA. We unpack the car and we hear barking. We looked at each other confused, because wolf was supposed to be at Shane's apartment. We walk in, and there is a huge "WELCOME HOME" Sign hanging across the two walls. Wolf and Corny were wearing little party hats and it was ADORABLE. Shane then pops out and says "WELCOME BACK!". "Shane! This is adorable!" Joey screeches. "Wolf is really rocking that hat!" I say, going to say hi to Wolf. 

Shane leaves, and we start our sandwiches we got from the gas station. "England was really fun." Joey states. "It was even better when I went with you." I state and he smiles, and we kiss.

I pull out some wipes and start to clean the counter. Joey run out a jumps on me, and I fall to the ground, screaming. He giggles, and I giggle. "I swear I will get you sometime this week, watch your back, Pig!" I smile. "Oh no, what are you gonna do to me? Throw me in the trash?" He jokes. I get up and he snatches my phone out of my hand. "Hey you pig, give it back!" I giggle. "You'll have to catch me first!" He laughs and runs off. I chase him around the house and even around the yard, and I finally tackle him and pin him to the couch and I grab my phone. I laugh and he laughs. "You're trash" I breath out. "You're pig trash" He giggles back.

It's the next night, and me and Joey just slept in all day. I get up before him, and I set up a tent in the yard. I am going to get him back for all the pranks he has pulled on me. My plan is to blindfold him and push him into the pool! I get out his vlogging camera and I explain to the viewers what my prank is. I set the vlogging camera down, where he can't see it, and I call him down. "JOEY!!" "WHAT!?" "I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" "BUT IM GAMING" "YOU CAN GAME LATER!" "COME ON JOEY PLEAAASEE!" He slowly makes his way down the stairs. I pull out the blindfold. "um what are you doing with that?" He asks me. "I want it to be a surprise!" It took me a little while to convince him to put it on. He finally did, and I quickly check his pockets for any phones. I start pushing him out the door. I take off his blindfold. "Wo-" Right before he can finish his sentence, I push him into the pool, and I start laughing uncontrollably. "YOU PIG!" He screams. "I told you I'd get my revenge!" I giggle, and we both laugh. 

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