Chapter 9

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~Daniel's POV~

I had the most romantic time with Joey today. We just went on a lot of beautiful trails. And we kissed. A LOT. We pulled into the parking lot and me and Joey both looked at each other. "Thank you. For this amazing time here." Joey says, looking straight into my eyes. "Thank you for coming into my life" I reply back. We both kiss.

We do the daily routine of him pushing me around on my cart, by the way, I named her Trinity. Me and Joey picked the name out. We both got ready for bed and cuddled up.  I am so glad I have him in my life.


~4 months later~

It's four months later, and Joey's book came out, he came out, and he made a music video. WITH ME IN IT! And guess who he kissed and saved. THIS PRINCE! His fans are really accepting and have making him feel more and more comfortable about coming out. I am so glad he finally accepts himself. We also shot the movie, which I think turned out GREAT! We also went to England after we shot the music video! We pack up at the hotel. "I'm really gonna miss England." Joey states. "I am too." I reply. "Got everything?" I ask him. "Yup! Wait, no!" He says and I look at him confused. He opens the hotel room door and I see a luggage cart. "YOU GOT A TRINITY!" I squeal. "So your precious feet don't have to touch the ground!" He giggles. We pack our luggage onto the "trinity" and I hop on top of the luggage. I squeal and he laughs as he pushes me through the hallway. His laughter is my medicine. I love hearing Joey being happy. He pushes me onto the elevator, and we recreate the first time I rode a "trinity". "What floor are you on ma'am?" I ask him, laughing. "Floor number 3 pig!" He says, trying to impersonate me. I go to press the 3 button, and I rub my hand all over the buttons, pressing every floor, like he did to me when I first rode on a cart. We both laughed, and we finally got off on the lobby. He raced me out of the lobby, while I laugh and he pushes faster. We finally arrive at our taxi. "Now I can say I rode on a Trinity in England!" I giggle. We pack the taxi and we both hopped in. We told the taxi where our airport was ad he continued on the route. We both looked at each other. "Thank you for taking me to England with you" I told him. "I couldn't leave you! I can't even survive 5 minutes with you not near me!" He replies back to me and I smile. "I can't survive 30 seconds without you." I reply and we kiss.

It's been nearly an hour, and we are still not at the airport. And the airport was only 30 minutes away from our hotel. It Is currently 2:30 p.m, and our flight is at 3:00. I slide open the window. "Excuse me? How many more minutes till we arrive?" I ask. "Not till another hour." ANOTHER HOUR? Where was this man taking us? "An Hour!" Joey asks. "Where are you taking us again?"  I ask. "The airport on the other side of England!" He states. "THE OTHER SIDE OF ENGLAND!?" Joey screams. "We just needed to go to the one where we just were!" I state. "Oh, my bad. I'll turn around at the next exit." "How long till the next exit?" "5 Minutes".

It's 2:50, and we still haven't arrived at the airport. I whisper to Joey, "do you think we will make the flight?" "Yeah it shouldn't be that longer." He replies. It's now 2:57, and we finally arrive at the airport. We quickly unpack the taxi and pay the taxi man, with no tip. We sprint inside the airport and to the check in desk. Joey checks in and hands his tickets in, and we rush off to the security. As we rush off, he asks me "Time?" "2:59" "Crap!" He yells and we sprint off to security. They check our bags and looks for our flight, and of course, it's at the other side of the airport. We sprint like we never have before to the gate, and we just make it. The plane then takes off.

Destiny {Janiel}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя