Chapter 16

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~Daniel's POV~

Today is the day I get married. I wake up, shower, and I eat breakfast. Then, I get dressed in my beautiful tux. I can't wait to see Joey in his tux. He looks cute even in sweatpants, so I bet he'll be a cuteness overload in his tux. I leash up Wolf and Storm, and I bring them into the car.

I park in the parking lot and I sneak into the far left room, which was assigned my "dressing room". My mom is in the dressing room. She starts to cry when she sees me. "Honey! You look so beautiful!" She cries. I hug her "Thanks mom!" She slowly backs away. "I can't believe you're getting married!" She smiles "You've grown up to fast!" She says, and I smile. "I better go take my seat, it's about to start!" She gives me a hug and a kiss, and she exits. I look in the mirror at myself. "I am actually getting married. To Joseph Michael Graceffa"

~Joey's POV~

I arrived here very early, and no one was basically here yet. Shane already took his place in the church, and I made my way to my dressing room. I can't wait to see Daniel again. I hear a knock on my door, and it's Nicole. "Hi!" He smiles and she hugs me. "I can't believe you're getting married!" She squeals. "I can't either!" We talk for a while, and then we realize we have to go outside to get ready for the wedding. I do a last touch up to my hair and tux and I link arms with Nicole and we sneak outside.

~Daniel's POV~

I take my place on the altar, when suddenly the doors fling open, and the piano plays. It's happening. I see Nicole and Joey at the end of the aisle. Joey's tux is the most beautiful formal tux I have ever seen. His hair is perfect and his bow tie is a sparkly black. Everyone stands up, and Joey and Nicole move closer and closer to me.

~Joey's POV~

The doors open, and everyone stands up, and there I see him. The love of my life. My bestfriend. My Husband. His tux is AMAZING. I thought he was already as cute as he could get. I guess not. I slowly make my way down the aisle with Nicole, until I finally reach the altar. Me and Nicole unlink, she hugs me, and she takes her seat. I walk up to stand right in front of Daniel. We stare into each other eyes. "We are gathered here today, for the marriage of Joseph Michael Graceffa and Daniel Christopher Preda." The priest begins to say. "Anyone out there who object this marriage, say I" The church is silence. The priest continues. Then it is time for the wedding vows. "Joey, would you like to go first?" "Yes." I pull out my vows. "Daniel, ever since I met you, I had strong feelings for you. You have helped me through the sad times, mad times, and difficult times. You were always there to comfort me, whenever I needed comforting. You were always there to hold me, when I needed to be held. Most importantly, you were always there to catch me when I fall. We have made such great memories together, such as riding "Trinity", hiking, having a picnic, adopting dogs, and I can't wait to make more with you." I wipe away my tears. "I love you." He then starts his vows. "Joey, ever since I foolishly bumped into you at Target, I loved you. I love everything about you, your happy personality, you smile, you laugh, your goofiness, and your caring nature. You have given me some of the best years of my life. We found two ADORABLE dogs together, and we have made some of the best memories together. We have traveled the world together, which were the best trips of my life. When I was younger I was positive I would never find someone so accepting and caring. You've proved my younger self wrong, because I found you. The most handsome-est, charming, sweetest man alive." He wipes away his tears. "I love you to the moon and back Joey, and I don't.... don't know what i'd do without you." I cry, and he cries and we wipe away our tears. Wolf and Storm then enter in little bow ties, bringing the rings. Giggles can be heard throughout the church, and me and Daniel giggle. "Daniel slide the ring onto Joey's finger" He slides the ring onto my finger. Repeat after me:



"Daniel Christopher Preda"

"Daniel Christopher Preda"

"Promise to love and cherish"

"Promise to love and cherish"

"Joseph Michael Graceffa"

"Joseph Michael Graceffa"

"Till the day I die"

"Till the day I die.

"Okay Joey, slide the ring onto Daniel's finger" I slide the ring onto his finger



"Joseph Michael Graceffa"

"Joseph Michael Graceffa"

"Promise to love and cherish"

"promise to love and cherish"

"Daniel Christopher Preda"

"Daniel Christopher Preda"

"Till the day I die"

"till the day I die"

The priest continues.

"Joey, do you take Daniel to be your wedded Husband, and to love him till the day you die?"

"I do"

"Daniel, do you take Joey to be your wedded husband, and to love him till the day you die?"

"I do"

"You may kiss the groom"

Daniel pulls me in and we kiss. That was the spark of marriage. That was the spark that told me he was the one. The spark of True Love.

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