Chapter 24

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~Joey's POV~

I'm surprised the Ambulance crew didn't mind when they opened the door to rush Daniel out of the ambulance. They quickly wheel him out of the ambulance, as I stay by his side, begging him to wake up. I had a better look at him, and I wish I hadn't. Sharp pieces of glass we jabbed into his beautiful skin, everywhere. His forehead was covered in blood, so was his arms and legs. I look away. This is to painful for me to look at. I can't bear to see Daniel like this, suffering, in pain, even though his face shows no emotion whatsoever. The doctors finally make it to the ER and tell me to wait in the waiting room. I find a seat, and I wipe my tears with my sweatshirt. I can't believe this is actually happening. This can't be real. I repeat over and over to myself, but it doesn't help. This is reality, and right now reality is the last place I want to be.

I unlock my phone, and I start to text Hope.

J: Hey Hope.

H: Hey Joe! Did you find Daniel? I searched my neighborhood, and I found no sign. :(

J: Yeah.

I shakily type and I send, holding back some more tears.

H: Well, where is he?

J: It might be easier to call and talk to you about :(.

H: Uh oh. Frowny faces are never good.

I walk outside the hospital, and I click Hope's contact. I take a deep breath while it rings.

H: Hey Joe. What's up? Where's Daniel?

I take a deep breath.

J: Well, I... I went out to find him, f-following his route he usually takes to your h-house. There's a....a road closed off. That was the road he took to get to your.. your house.

I sniffle and wipe away my tears. I continue.

J: I parked my car on the side of the road and I snu....snuck in. I sprinted towards the flashing ambulance lights. A security guard w....wa..was holding me back, and as I begin to explain Daniel, I see a stretcher. I get a closer look.... and..... it's...d-Daniel.

I say, and then I start crying, and I can hear Hope gasp and trying to hold in tears.

H: I'm on my way!!!

She says in the shakiest her voice has ever gotten. I walk inside and I patiently sit and wait for results on Daniel. Suddenly Hope rushes in, and she sees me having a break down. She starts to cry, and I run into her arms, crying into her shoulder, as she tries to be brave and hold back her tears. "It's going to be okay Joey, I can assure you." She tells me as I continue to sob into her shoulder.

We sit patiently, doing many things to keep our mind off the tragic accident. Suddenly a nurse walks in. "Anyone here for Daniel Preda?" She calls, and I bounce out of my seat. "Me. I'm here for him. Is he okay? Is anything wrong? Is he-" I get cut off by the nurse. "The doctor wants to speak with you." I look at Hope, and he gives me and nod. I follow the nurse, and I wipe my tears with my sweatshirt. I walk into a little room, and I look around for Daniel. He wasn't in here. I guess he was put in a different room.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Willson." He greets me, shaking my hand. "I'm Joey." I reply, sniffling. "Are you Daniel's brother, friend-" I cut him off "His husband" "How cute! You must be a nervous wreck about him." He states, and I nod my head. "The crash has put him in a coma, and we don't have any final results on when he will be out of the coma, but all we know is it's a coma." He states with a serious look. My heart dropped. I could feel my heart being ripped out of my chest, and bring stomped on. Who knows how long Daniel could be in a coma! It could be as short as a month, or as long as a year! I can't stand seeing him in pain for one more second! How am I supposed to witness him in pain for a while!? I hold back my tears, and I gently nod. He continues. "He got some deep cuts from the glass, which we will have to sew up. No damage to the brain or lungs, only to the skin." He ends. He can tell straight from my face that I want to know where Daniel is. "Daniel is currently getting some X-rays, and they are gonna fix him up a bit. You can see him after if you'd like." He responds, and I nod my head and I walk back to the waiting room.

I find a seat next to Hope. "How's Daniel? Is he alright?" She asks me, and I twirl my fingers. "He's.. In a coma." I state and she gasps, and I continue. "They said damage to the brain or.. Or lungs, just to the skin." I say, trying super hard to hold back my tears. "When is he waking up?" Hope asks worryingly. "They... They don't know any final answers yet.. Which really worries me. What if it takes six months or a year!?" I worry as Hope grabs onto my hand and holds onto it. "Joey, he's going to wake up. Even if it is a while, he is going to wake up, and you'll be right by his side." She comforts me, and I hug her.

"Joey and Hope?" The nurse calls.  We walk over to the nurse. "Daniel's ready to have visitors. Would you guys like to see him?" She asks us, and me and Hope exchange glances. She agrees to go first, because I'm not mentally prepared to see Daniel, covered in bandages, hooked up to all types of wires, getting his oxygen off of a tank. I just wasn't ready.

It's been an hour, and Hope walks out, crying. She nods at me, and she stays in the waiting room, waiting for me. I follow the nurse to his room. I take a deep breath. This is it. I can see Daniel. He'll be right there, in front of me. Covered in all sort of medicinal equipment. I slowly walk in and I see him. His eyes closed, with bunches of wires hooked up to him. His heart monitor is beeping, and his face remains emotionless. I fight back the tears that are trying to escape. I fight back my body trying to flee far away from here as possible. I can't stand to see Daniel like this. The nurse shuts the door, and I walk closer to him. I take a seat next to him. "Hi." I say to him. "In case you couldn't tell, it's Joey". There's complete silence, besides his heart monitor. "I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you and you will reply to me again, but for now, I want to say I love you. You have helped me through life during the toughest times, and I can't ever thank you enough. Please, stay with me. I need you. I love you." I can't fight back my tears anymore. They come pouring out. I kiss his forehead, and I speed walk out of the room, not looking back. I can't take it. I can't see Daniel in so much pain. I can't take it. I finally make it to the waiting room and I run to Hope, and I cry and cry into her shoulders.

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