Chapter 25

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~Joey's POV~

The house was lonely without Daniel. Just, the house in general. I hate making breakfast without him holding me, and playing with the dogs. I hate hiking without Daniel. Im heading up to the hospital to see him again today. Hopefully I've calmed down a bit. I turn my car on, grabbed the balloons and flowers I got him, and I start heading down the road. I pass the road where the crash happened. I flinch and I try to get the horrifying image out of my head.

I arrive at the hospital and I show them my guest badge, and they let me in. I find Daniel's room, and I slowly open the door. There he is. Still in the same exact place, same exact emotionless expression. "Hi, sweet" I smile to him, even though he can't see me. I tie the balloons to his hospital bed, and I place the case on his little night stand. I pull out a stuffed pig, and I place it under his lifeless arms. I smile, as I can picture him cuddling with the plush pig. "How ya doing" I ask him. "Life has been pretty boring without you in the house. I want you back. I want YKU home. I want to snuggle up with you and watch a movie. I want to just be with you. And only you." I state to his expressionless face. We just sit there in silence, listening to the heart monitor beeping. "Wolf did something cute this morning. He laid right in your spot, like he was telling me he missed you." I smile. "And storm was whimpering by the door all day, waiting for you. They really miss you." I smile, and I give him a kiss on the forehead. Hey! I don't have to leave, I can sleep in this empty bed next to him! I can bring the pups for overnight! I get excited and I run out of the hospital to get my overnight stuff.

I finish packing my suitcase, and I grab the pups cages and leashes, and we head into the car. "Whose ready to see daddy!" I squeal to the pups, and they
Bark and squeak with happiness. I turn the car on and we head off to the hospital. After a short drive, we arrive in the parking lot, and we walk back into Daniel's room. The pups go crazy, trying to hop on the end where Daniel lays, motionless.  I see a card on his nightstand. I didn't put that there. I go over to read the card

Dear Daniel,
I really hope you feel better. Who knows when you'll read this, but I just want to say Joey and I have visited you many times, and we can't bear to see you in pain. I really hope you feel better, because I can't bear the thought of you being hurt! Feel better sweetie!

~Xoxo Hope

I place the card down, and I set up the pups cages and food bowls. I check the time, and it's around 9:30. I lock the pups up, and I head off to bed, his heart monitor beeping, comforting me. Just knowing that he is still breathing comforts me. He could wake up any moment now. He could wake up right at this very moment, and make my suffrage stop. Who knows when he will wake up, but all I know is that there is still hope that he will wake up, and that he is still with us.

I wake up, and I look at Daniel. Still there. Same position. Same motionless body. I head downstairs with the pups for their morning walks. "Wolf! Over here! No, Storm that is not food!" I keep having to constantly telling the dogs to stop what their doing and behave. It was much easier with Daniel. I get Wolf, he gets Storm. Much easier. I tug the pups back inside and we stop at the breakfast room in the hotel. I grab some coffee and a bagel and I head back outside to go do some shopping, and to try to get my mind off Daniel. While walking to my car, I start to regret my decision to leave Daniel. What if he wakes up? And I'm not there? And he gets scared about where he is and where I am? I constantly think to myself. Stop Joey. Your overthinking. Breathe in, breathe out. If he does wake up, the doctors and the nurses are there, and he'll be just fine! Besides, he'll see your luggage and cages there, and he'll know you've been with him the whole time! I tell myself. I should just calm down, and not have a heart attack about that.

It's almost Christmas, so I decided to go Christmas shopping. Specifically for Daniel. He's been through so much, he deserves the world. Hopefully he'll be awake for Christmas. While I get trapped in my own thoughts, Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" comes on, and I immediately think of Daniel. This is his favorite Christmas song. I drive along, while it's playing, and I think of the good times we had during this song. Daniel would turn up the radio, and start singing to the top of his lungs. He would even sometimes roll down his window, and sing to the people on the sidewalk. It was adorable. After laughing my head off, I would finally join in, and we'd have a lip syncing battle. Obviously Daniel won every one we did, but that's only because I was driving. I will beat him one day. I smile to myself in the car, thinking of all the happy times, until I totally realize the song ended awhile ago. I start heading down the street with all of Daniel's favorite shops and I park. Daniel's gonna love his Christmas presents. I can't wait till he opens them. We'll be happy and everything will go back to normal.

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