Chapter 6:

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~Daniel POV~

The date was AMAZING! We caught up on each other and we learned A LOT about each other! I'm so happy I met him and now have him in my life. Right after the date, we went to walk around the town. This town was very different from what we were used to in LA.  It was very quiet.

''Tonight was amazing, Daniel" He looks at me with his gorgeous green eyes. "I know I've said it one billion times tonight, but no one has ever done this to me. No one ever took the time out of their precious day to do something expensive and amazing like this to me." He says and he hugs me and doesn't let go. "All for the best." I say still hugging him. "I love you Daniel." "I love you too, Joey"

We walk around the city and Joey stops. "Come on Joey!" He stares across the street. "Joey? Is everything okay?" I ask him walking up to him. "Joey?" I wave a hand in front of his eyes. I look across the street and I see nothing. "Joey?" "c-c" He says in a whispering tone. "CRRRYYSTALLLSS!!!!!!!!!!" He squeals. He starts prancing to the shop across the street. "Joseph don't scare me like that!" I laugh as I try to catch up to him. We walk through the door and Joey's like a little kid in a candy store. Except he's a grown man prancing through a crystal shop. "IRIDESCENT!!!!!!" He squeals. "I NEED IT!!" He squeals again. He looks at the price tag. "DANG $6o?" You go look around I'll wait here." I say and then he goes to look at the other crystals. I sneak the iridescent crystals and secretly bring them to the cashier. I put on my shades so the cashier hopefully won't know who I am and not make a big scene. One problem, there's a HUGE line. I look to see a little self-checkout center way in the back. Weird to see one of those here. I quickly walk there and do the scan and purchase it. I sprint out to my car and put it in the way back seat. I get a text from Joey.

J: Where are you? I just purchased some crystals!

D: I'm right near the entrance :)

J: Kk :) <3 see you soon <3

I sprint back to the entrance and wait there like I've been there the whole time. I see Joey and he turns towards me. He has 2 huge bags. "Jees how many crystals did you buy!?" Joey giggles "Only two, but they are really big." "Oh." "You'll NEVER believe what happened." "What happened?" "My favorite iridescent crystal that we spotted when we first walked in is GONE!" He says and I try to hold in a smile. "Oh heavens no not the iridescent crystal" I giggle. We walk out to the car and we hop in. I reach back and I pull the crystal up and Joey buckles himself in and looks in my hand. "DANIEL!!" He screams. "Surprise!!" He unbuckles and hugs me. "THANK YOU!!!!"

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