Chapter 15 "Im Not Leaving Your Side.Never."

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I woke up sore. I didnt want to move at all. My legs hurt so bad. Ugh. I dont know what was wrong with Austin last night but he took it out on me. I dont mind thats what Im here for but this isnt jusy pain.

"Good morning Beautiful." I look over to see a smiling Austin next to me.

"Good morning." I said kissing his cheeks.

"Are you gonna get out of bed.?" Austin asked me.

"I cant move..." I stated

"What do you mean.. it didnt seem like you couldnt move last night." He winked at me.

"Austin you took all your anger out on my vagina.."

"Oh baby im so sorry. I didnt mean to."

"Its fine, im here for you to please yourself with. Imma have to learn how to live with it. Especially if were gonna be together for awhile." I kissed him lips. He picked me up and carried me down stairs. Just our lucky Michele was sitting on the couch.

"Morning you to. Whats wrong? Are you okay.?" Michele asked me.

"Morning, yea im fine...I road a horse yesterday for 5 hours straight It hurts to walk." I said smiling at her.

"Ooh hunny I know how that one feels." She said. "Breakfasts on the table." She said pointing towards the kitchen.

Austin walked me into the kitchen then sat me down on the kitchen chair.

"Nice save Rebecca" he said to me making my plate. Honestly how did I get so lucky to have a guy like him. Hes so sweet. Hes the most adorable thing. And he loves me, it really shows. I think I wanna marry him. WAIT WHAT.? Did I just think about marriage.? Im only 17.... Becca get yourself together.

"Baby.? Whats wrong.?" He asked me.

"Nothing I was just thinking about the pain between my legs. What was your deal yesterday anyways.?" I asked him curiously.

"My....uh..uhm Rocco said he doesnt want me dating you, and your not for me and im loosing fan base because of you.... I told him its not gonna happen, im not leave you and your my everything." That kinda pissed me off when Austin said that.

"So you were mad cause of that.?" I asked.

"Yea i can tell you are to." He said, his phone started ringing. "Its Rocco..." He said answering it.

"What.?" "Im sorry, hey Rocco hows it going.?".... "No I told you thats not happening..."....." IN JAPAN.?!" "Okay bye."

"Im going to Japan in 2 days.. But I cant bring you with me..." He said looking down grabbing my hand.

"How long.?" I asked taking hold of his hand and squeezing it. Trying to hold back the tears.

"3 months...Ba.." He started to say before I cut him off.

"Austin.. I dont know what im going to do. I cant live without you it kills me. Go do your job ill be waiting for you here. We can skype and talk on the phone when your free." I said looking down so he wouldnt see me crying. I let go of his hand, grabbed my keys, then walked to the car.

"Rebecca wait." He said chasing after me.

"Austin let me go im just going to go for a drive to calm down." I said shutting the car door.

"Fine baby I love you." He said kissing me then I pulled out of the driveway. Then I let the tears stream down my face. His management doesnt like me. How could they not like me. Ive never done anything to them, Im in love. There only doing this cause they dont like me. All these thoughts kept going threw my head. I parked right in front of a brick wall. I just sat there and cried, then a heard wheels squeeling and a crash. Then everything wen black.

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