Five :)

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 Okay so the first part of this chapter is sad :'(

then... the second should be happy????

please dont judge aaron badly :* (<kiss face :)

Competition in this chapter at the end :D


if you have any questions please ask :D

and please answers the questions at the bottom ;)




and fan :D

And thank you soooooooooooooooooo much to everyone that has fanned me already :* (<kiss face agian :D


After we had our interesting conversation with my mum, we walked up to my room. And by we, I meant me and Aaron.

Why hadn’t he told me this stuff when we were getting to know each other? It just seems like the thing you should bring up when getting to know each other. Well yeah I might not have told him, that my mums a bitch and my dad left me and my twin, but that’s not really all important.

I walked to my white wood wardrobe and started picking out clothes to change into after my shower. I picked out blue skinny jeans with rips, a back jumper shirt, that hung off the shoulder and black high heels. I walked into the en-suit and dumped my clothes, then turned to see Aaron sat on my bed with his head in his hands. I looked at him expectedly.

“I’m sorry.” I’m sorry, that’s all he has to say for himself. I raised an eyebrow and paced a hand on my hip. He looked up from his hands and tried to give me a smile. I kept a straight face and waited for him to explain.

“As you know I’m 23. Well, I used to and still am, obsessed with art. I think I got it off my mum. She would always make me hep decorate with her and paint with her.” He smiled remembering about his mother. “Well, my dad didn’t like that I loved art so much. He was a very strict man. I remember he used to hit me and my brother, James, whenever we did something wrong.

“He didn’t like that I enjoyed art so much, and not football or girls and school, like my brother. My brother was always his favourite child. I used to get beat the most, because I didn’t have perfect test scores or have a girlfriend. He hated me.” He took a deep breath and looked pained at remembering all this, like he was living it again. Which instantly made me feel guilty I was making him re-live it.

“It was career day at school and we had to choose what collages we wanted to try for, my brother chose 3, one for football, one to become a lawyer and the last one to become a doctor. Yeah, my brother didn’t  know what he wanted to do with his life but he had plenty of time to choose, I don’t know why he went to my career day when he was only 15. I did. I wanted to become a famous artist. I chose 3 collages as well. They all had amazing art programs, that I was bound to get into.

“I showed my mum my options, and she couldn’t have been more happier.” He gave a slight chuckle. “She kept hugging me and telling me how fabulous it would be that I was following in her footsteps, and maybe even going to the collage she went to. My dad on the other hand hated me more for it. If that was even possible.

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